The real pain of teaching

What you need to know:

In the silence of the classroom, teachers stand tall, their dedication is unmatched, they give it their all

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”, Aristotle states.

Teaching is a service that requires patience and total sacrifice.

In the silence of the classroom, teachers stand tall, their dedication is unmatched, they give it their all. But behind the smiles, and lessons well-taught, lies a tale of struggle of battles untold.

Poorly paid and with late payments to bear, teachers press on with unwavering care. Their pockets worn thin, their spirits tested, yet their love for teaching never bested.

Day and night, they labour away, shaping young minds, come what may. Their worth is far greater than mere gold, yet their pay remains painfully cold.

With little to show for their noble toil, teachers persevere, despite the turmoil. They invest in futures, bright and fair, while their own survival hangs in the air.

Let us pause, and reflect with grace, on the sacrifices teachers embrace. For their value transcends what money can buy.  They fuel the flames of knowledge high.

So raise a voice, let their worth be known, the heartbeat of education, they have shown. Let us honor, respect, and repay in kind, for the dedication of teachers, forever enshrined.

Teachers in Uganda earn very little money as compared to the current economic trends in the country, however, no one cares about the situation teachers go through.

The plight of a teacher is such that no one remembers them when there is good performance, yet everyone blames them when there is poor performance.

Nevertheless, the nation still stands because teachers do. “Teachers carry on, lose not the heart. God will keep rewarding you when no man can”

Teachers! You should have a deeper understanding about yourself by awakening the lion in you rather than the sheep. Be leaders, not mere followers. If you can’t be in possession, be in position and vice versa.

Take heart, go back and study. one day there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

Mudi Kangave, Teacher, teacher trainer and author.