Why doesn’t my Nissan X Trail AC work well?

What you need to know:

  • The car AC system has three major components: the compressor which charges or pumps the coolant around the AC system, the condenser is used to cool the liquid refrigerant that passes through it and back to the evaporator
  • Always use professional AC technicians to service your AC system with genuine RC14a refrigerant which carries a lubricant and anti-corrosive agent to protect your AC components. That way you will enjoy riding in your Nissan. Don’t give up on the X Trail.

Hi Paul, I drive a Nissan Xtrail and it runs well apart from the air conditioning which does not work well. It has been refilled three times in a short time by the can wielding road side AC mechanics. However, it does not work well. On two occasions I have asked AC mechanics to check the AC system for faults but they say the system is okay. But it does not cool well. What can I do before giving up on this car.

Hello Jackson, a car air conditioning system uses a chemical called coolant RC14a which is converted from a gaseous form to liquid form and back to gas. AC refrigerant coolant helps to transfer heat from the air inside your car to the outside air.
The car AC system has three major components: the compressor which charges or pumps the coolant around the AC system, the condenser is used to cool the liquid refrigerant that passes through it and back to the evaporator which allows the refrigerant coolant in the AC piping to evaporate in the space of your car cabin to absorb heat and cool the car. These three components should be inspected by a professional AC technician who will assess their performance.
Should these components be found to be in good working condition, then a diagnostic reading of the actual values of coolant refrigerant pressure should be taken to confirm if the pressure is below or above recommended pressure. Little gas is as non- effective as too much gas which blocks the AC system preventing effective cooling.
Using an AC pressure gauge or diagnostic actual values reading you can top up or adjust (reduce) the AC pressure to the recommended pressure for effective cooling.
Always use professional AC technicians to service your AC system with genuine RC14a refrigerant which carries a lubricant and anti-corrosive agent to protect your AC components. That way you will enjoy riding in your Nissan. Don’t give up on the X Trail.

Ask the mechanic / By Paul Kaganzi (0772316145)