Why brands need consistency in communication

Some of the greatest brands that are memorable are those that have prided themselves in being consistent.

What you need to know:

Whether you are an SME looking to build a brand or an established brand, consistency in your marketing communication is critical, Rukh-Shana Namuyimba writes.

The distinctions of marketing communication are as exciting as they are far from random. From the strap line in an advert, models used in a television commercial, online personality to colours used on a flyer or poster – all that is deliberate.
If you ever catch yourself watching or listening to a commercial and thinking, “This sounds like an ad for Brand X” before you see the logo or hear the voice over, there is a good reason for that – consistency!
Whether you are an SME looking to build a brand or an established brand, consistency in your marketing communication is critical.
Here is why:

Powerful form of marketing
Some of the greatest brands that are memorable are those that have invested heavily in consistency. From communication to the product experience is a seamlessness that remains with the customer for long. The long-term effect is that when a customer interacts with a brands communication they are immediately thinking about buying a product or signing up for a service without even being asked.

Easier to trust a brand you recognise
If you were to think about a brand you recognise, chances are you feel like you connect with it at a personal level. This is particularly important when you think of purchasing as more an emotional decision than a practical one. A brand that is consistent in its communication, the way it presents itself and the experience it delivers is one that can be trusted. This may explain why consumers tend to stick with particular brands, for example, washing powder, toothpaste, yoghurt or even alcoholic beverages. They are predictable and predictable = trustworthy.

Build trust then earn dependability
When consumers form an opinion about a brand based on interaction, they get comfortable and secure. Any deviation from the norm can result in questioning whether the brand can be relied upon to deliver on its promises. It is therefore important to invest in consistency across the board. From packaging, to signage, to quality of service or customer experience, to your voice on social media customers need to know that your brand is the same each time they come across it, they can trust it and it is dependable.

Customers want to know you
If you had to choose to spend time with someone you knew instead of someone you did not it is likely you would choose the former. If you think of brands as people with personalities, then you will realise customers are keen on knowing brands or organisations before they can choose them. When customers feel like they know a brand, they can easily identify with its purpose. This is likely to build trust and result in engagement from a purchasing perspective. If they recommend you that is the icing on the cake.

When a brand invests in building consistency, it does not need to try too hard to get customers to try its products or services or even recommend it to others. So next time you think of shaving off some shillings on the marketing communications budget, think about what this will cost your brand in the end.

Rukh-Shana Namuyimba is the communications and events manager at dfcu Bank.