Fitting clothes compliment my body

Linda Kibombo

My favourite label is
I don’t have any. Those are not things I really look at. If it looks good on me, I’ll wear it.
I can’t do without…
I cannot do without earrings. I love earrings. They are a staple.
I cannot get enough of…
I love looking at jewellery, and at women’s hairstyles, trying to figure out how this and that was done.
I buy my clothes from…
I buy my clothes from downtown, the shops in town, or sometimes buy fabric (kitenge) and have it sewn.

The most expensive thing in my wardI cannot remember, but I once bought a pair of shoes in South Africa and they were pretty expensive in comparison to our prices here. I wore them everywhere.
What compliment my appearance…
Fitting clothes compliment my body. I love long pants, especially if they are snug and fit well. I feel I am having a good day.
I feel most confident and comfortable wearing
Pants- in dark colours and pumps. I am a flat shoes person.
My style tip for the ladies…
Wear stuff that fits. Keep away from ill-fitting stuff- too big or too tight; try not to show too much skin. If you have chosen to wear a mini-skirt, make sure it fits. Wear a proper fitting bra, it changes your dress completely and that lift gives you more confidence.

My worst buy
I have had so many bad buys. You get home and wonder what you were thinking. But I stopped buying on impulse because I realised I was wasting money.