Top decorating mistakes, solutions

What you need to know:

  • PART II. The first part of this series addressed wall hangings/photos, keeping décor items we don’t like and handling floating rugs. This week, we continue with pillows, trends and agreed levels of formality.

Pillows are a trendy décor accessory but how much is too much? And how formal is too formal for your living spaces? Well, let us find out.

4. Pillow overload
So you have read all about accessorising your sofas and your bed with throw cushions and pillows and seen so many pictures in magazines and now you are therefore fully armed to showcase your knowledge. There are two risks with this situation; pillow overload and pillow under load!
Out of excitement it is very possible to overload your bed or sofa with so many pillows that they actually get in the way of being able to sit on it comfortably. Under loading your sofas is when the throw cushions seem scattered, with no pattern to their placement hence creating a feel of the chairs are better off without them.
Solutions: To be on the safe side, have a basic of two throw cushions per chair then take it from there.

6. Too formal
Having a space decorated formally is not a crime but having it appear too formal just does not sit well with the intended users. It has always been said that too much of anything is bad...well, it is true. When a space appears too formal it creates a feeling of un easiness.
Solution: Use colour and accessories to create a bit of a light mood and make it more inviting. For example, a chocolate colour themed room with floor to ceiling bookshelves on the walls, dark hard wood flooring, and minimal lighting would definitely make someone feel rather uneasy but with a splash of colour in a vase, flowers or rug the mood would be lightened.

5. Following trends
Trends keep changing that sometimes it is hard to keep up. I remember a time when the lava lamps were in vogue nearly every household had them and they always stood out when the lights were turned off leaving them as the only source of light in the living room but now I would be surprised to find one in anybody’s living room!
Caution needs to be taken when purchasing items especially the big ones in size, it may be hard to get rid of them later once the trend is no more or when you are bored of it.
Solution: Decorate your space with items that you love and that have meaning to you that way you will be able to live with them for a long period of time.

-Gloria Kawuma is an interior designer