How to get more of the essential sunshine vitamin

Beef is one of the sources of Vitamin D. Net photo

What you need to know:

The good news is that the body can make its own vitamin. This is done under the skin when the body is exposed to mild sunlight for about 5 to 10 minutes.

It has long been known that Vitamin D, also known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ is essential for healthy bones because it increases the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

More recently, studies have shown that lack of it is linked to problems ranging from high blood pressure to rheumatoid arthritis, blood vessel diseases like multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and cancers of the breast and prostate.

Unfortunately, our diets are largely deficient in this vitamin, putting us at risk of brittle bones and many other health problems.

The good news is that the body can make its own vitamin. This is done under the skin when the body is exposed to mild sunlight for about 5 to 10 minutes. Despite this, studies show that up to 50 per cent of adults and children worldwide are vitamin D deficient.

One of the reasons for vitamin D deficiency is lifestyle changes that have left many people with very little time to catch the sun. Nowadays, adults and children alike leave home before sunrise and come back well after sunset. Those who stay at home are almost housebound, hardly ever going outside when the sun is up.

Tips to get enough vitamin D
Get a little sunshine daily. Only 15 per cent of the body needs to be exposed. Talk to a doctor if worried about skin cancer risks for more information.
Vitamin D is naturally present in foods such as fish, eggs, milk, beef, liver and some mushrooms. Cook or eat these with a little oil to improve absorption because vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin.

Vitamin D has also been added to some foods like packed milk, some brands of orange juice, bread, breakfast cereals. Read the nutrition information label to make sure you are buying foods fortified with the vitamin.

Vitamin D as a supplement: Old age, kidney disease, obesity are some of the conditions that affect vitamin D synthesis in the body. People with such conditions might need vitamin D supplementation. Consult your doctor if you fall in these categories.

The writer is a nutritionist