Do I have an STD?

Having a sexually transmitted disease can cause distress to a person. However, seeking early treatment can help a person manage the condition. Photo by Rachel Mabala

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that you can get from having sex with someone who has the infection. The causes of STDs are bacteria, parasites and viruses, and they cause more severe health problems for women than men.

Dear Doctor: Every time I make love to my husband, I develop intense itching in my private parts. Do I have a sexually transmitted disease (STD)? Maria
Dear Maria: Itching of the private parts, whether as a result of sex or not, can be discomforting and can lead to a strain in the relationship due to fear of sex or suspicions of infidelity. Itching that happens during or immediately after sex though, is commonly a sign of allergy to a man’s semen, condoms or contraceptive spermicides (put in the vagina). It can also result from infections such as candida or trichomonas vaginalis, which may already exist before sex, without causing symptoms. Your problem requires quick attention of a medical doctor, who will investigate and advise you accordingly before you get a relationship problem.

Dear Doctor: I have been suffering from hiccups for the first time and it has lasted three days now. I do not seem to understand what has caused it. I have been advised to take water but this has not been helpful. Pease advise. Ruts

Dear Ruts: A hiccup happens when there is a sudden contraction (spasm) of a big flat muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen (diaphragm). This results in a gust of air that is taken in, only to be stopped by a sudden closure of the vocal cords, which then makes the characteristic “hiccup” sound.
Though in many cases the hiccup comes without a known cause and goes away after a short time without treatment, having a full stomach due to eating or drinking too quickly, swallowing a lot of air, smoking, emotional stress or excitement can cause the condition.
Drugs called steroids (prednisone, dexamethasone) can also cause a person to develop hiccups. Whereas hiccups usually stop within a few minutes, when they last longer than 48 hours (persistent hiccups) or more than a month (intractable hiccups), they can cause exhaustion, lack of sleep, and weight loss. Both persistent and intractable hiccups may be a sign of a more serious health problem such as kidney, brain or mental illness.
Though usually hiccups are short lived and require no treatment, when they take more than a few minutes, first aid may be necessary. Breathing into a bag to increase breathed-in carbon dioxide, taking or putting iced water at the nape of the neck and counting while holding your breath are some of the first aid options you can undertake.
If first aid fails, please consult your doctor for more advice.

Dear Doctor: I have four daughters. Is this because one of my testicles is blocked or is not functional? Deo

Dear Deo: Many couples produce many children in an attempt to get their favoured gender, ending up with a big family that they may find difficult to look after.
Much as literally, it is a man who provides sperms with different sex determinants, (if he produces X chromosome sperm, it will result in a baby girl and Y chromosomes will be a baby boy), there are several factors including those concerning the couples union, or even the woman herself that determine whether a couple will get boy or girl offspring only. It is archaic to think that having female children means there will be no heir since girls can sometimes make even better heirs.
It is also archaic to think that getting only male children means there will be no family gain from bride price, given that today, bride price is controversial and is being abandoned by many cultures in Uganda.
Having one gender offspring does not mean the man has one functional testicle, but rather this depends on several biological factors and may happen by chance.

Dear Doctor: I am a 16-year-old boy and when I press my breasts, milk-like substances come out. I have taken a lot of herbs but this has not been helpful. What can I do?
Mitusera Kalungi

Dear Mitusera: Galactorrhoea is a condition whereby any person, including those who have never had children, or are in menopause, (newborns or even men) produce milk or a milk-like discharge from the nipple that is unrelated to breastfeeding.
When it happens in a woman, this may be because the breast is too sensitive to hormones (prolactin) which help produce milk, or because of the use of certain drugs such as those for treating peptic ulcers, hormonal problems involving the master gland (pituitary in the brain) whereby the prolactin is raised, thyroid gland problems, contraceptive pills, kidney disease and too much self-exam.
At around puberty, because of changes in sex hormones in both males and females, this leads to breast enlargement, but this is more significant in girls. Later, due to higher increase in male compared to female hormones, the swelling in a boy recedes and disappears on its own. Traditionally however, herbs may be applied or even rituals held to prevent female-like breast growth in boys.
Many boys also keep manipulating their breasts after noticing that there is a swelling with the hope that their breasts do not swell to the size of their female peers. This is likely to cause a milky discharge production, which is harmless and stops when the manipulation stops. However, if the milk discharge follows unusual breast enlargement, then the boy needs to see a doctor to rule out other causes including a brain tumour.
If a man has low male hormones, he may have erection problems, lack sexual desire, big breasts and in a few cases, may even produce milk. It is unlikely that this is your problem since you are just in puberty.

Doctor's word

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