Habits that hurt the eyes

In order to avoid damaging one’s eyesight, make it a habit to wash foreign objects out of the eyes instead of rubbing them. Reading in the dark and drinking alcohol can also have a bad effect on one’s eyes. File

What you need to know:

The eyes are the most active parts of the body yet they get the least amount of rest. Due to this, the eyes get worn out which causes spasms and sometimes headaches

The eyes are the most active parts of the body yet they get the least amount of rest. Due to this, the eyes get worn out which causes spasms and sometimes headaches. In most cases, pressure in the eyes starts to increase at 12-2pm and at this time they need to rest.

According to Joseph Masajjage, an Ophthalmologist at Boss Optical Centre, there are various habits that can ruin the eyes.
Excessive exposure to artificial lights; from computers, phones, welding sparks. “The light from these items has a severe effect on our eyes. When you stare at the computer for a long time without giving the eyes rest, the light it emits burns all the fluids that would help the eye rotate,” he says. This causes dryness, itching and wearing out of the cornea, a membrane which helps to filter ultra-violet light entering the eye. If children start using such machines at a tender age, they are likely to get Acute Visual Impairments like total blindness.

Watching Television or reading in the dark –causes too much concentration and straining of the eye. As a result, eye fluids dry up. Also, straining the eye causes headaches and swelling of the eyebrows. If the other lights are left on, Masajjage says, they cut down on the sharpness and concentration of the light coming from the TV.
Reading in very bright sunlight; this weakens the cornea thus risking weakened vision because you are straining the eye. Such people are likely to get blurred vision and in the long run, can become long or short sighted or they could experience failure to read small fonts (presbyopia). The recommended voltage for one to read under artificial lighting should be 60-75watts.

Rubbing of the eyes- injures the eye due to the friction created during the rubbing. Rubbing will cause a tear on the cornea that may hinder clear vision for all your lifetime. Once a foreign object falls into the eye, Masajjage warns that it should either be blown out or washed out but not rubbed.
Alcohol; especially spirits, has strong fumes that burn the eye’s visual area. These make the eyes insensitive to lenses such that once one is given contact lenses meant to correct short or long sightedness, they would not correct the disorder.

Inadequate sleep can contribute to dryness of the eyes. Think of sleep as a way to recharge, relax and refresh your eyes to prepare them for the tasks of the next day.
Cosmetics such as lotions that contain propylene glycol (an ingredient that prevents cosmetics from drying out) and soaps cause irritation of the eyes, frequent blinking and drying of the eye fluids or sometimes reddening.

Looking at the sun directly makes the cornea prone to damage because the light emitted by the sun is too strong for the eye and can cause permanent blindness.
Smoking- causes cataracts and corneal infections because of the toxins contained in the cigars.
Hypertension and diabetes- cause complications such as diabetic eyes which affect the retina.

Protect the eyes
Joseph Masajjage, an opthalmologist recommends the use of cool caps or placing a cloth soaked in cold water over the eyes for 10-15 minutes before sleeping to relax and relieve the eyes of the day’s tension. You can also use cucumber to relax the eyes and remove dark circles caused by inadequate sleep.