CONTRACEPTION: What is causing the bleeding?

Some women may bleed unexpectedly or even heavily while others may actually stop having periods altogether

What you need to know:

A contraception device was inserted under my arm but it causes me to bleed often and get infections with a yellow but pain free discharge which does not itch. Why? Anita

A contraception device was inserted under my arm but it causes me to bleed often and get infections with a yellow but pain free discharge which does not itch. Why? Anita

Dear Anita,
In Uganda the commonly used contraceptive implant inserted under the upper arm is Implanon (etonogesterel) after Norplant (levonorgestrel) was discontinued a few years ago.
One of its common side effects, that women are about to use Implanon are cautioned about during counselling is irregular bleeding. Some women may bleed unexpectedly or even heavily while others may actually stop having periods altogether.
It is true that a woman may get a yellow discharge due to vaginal infections resulting from over bleeding, which disturbs the protective vaginal acidity (since blood is alkaline it neutralises the vaginal acid) among other reasons. Then the discharge may be associated with other symptoms such as vaginal itching and lower abdominal pain or there may be no symptoms. However, yellow vaginal discharge without symptoms may be due to the rusty effect on old blood.
Please go back to the family planning clinic where you got the implant for help.