Why your workout isn’t working

What you need to know:

  • Trying to get that desired body can be tiring and most of us want to achieve the results in the shortest time possible.
  • When the results are not as expected, many will resort to their old habits and all the hard work put into working out would have been in vain.

We all know how fantastic working out is for your health. But what happens when your workouts are not delivering the results you want? Or you are not getting the results you think you should be getting?
While any kind of physical activity is good, some workout plans are better than others and, a lot of other factors come into play.
So, if your workout isn’t working for you, one of the following reasons could be to blame.

Your diet
According to Jimmy Ssendya, an instructor at GG’Z gym at Mabirizi Plaza in Kampala, exercising and the food you eat complement each other. He says if you are not eating a nutritious diet with the appropriate number of calories for weight management, you could be shooting yourself in the foot.
Proper nutrition fuels your workouts, but eat too much and you could gain weight (or hurt your weight-loss efforts), and eat too little, and you won’t have enough energy to exercise.
“After burning the calories in the gym, some people add more weight by eating unhealthy foods. One needs to maintain the results by eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables,” he advises.
Ivan Kiwanuka, an instructor at LB’Z gym in Kampala, says people in most cases ignore the kind of food their instructors recommend and eat whatever they come across. He says this is the reason most people fail to realise any results.
Remedy: Register your foods to see how many calories you are eating per day. If you are regularly eating more than you should, then try choosing lower-calorie versions of your favourite foods.

You are not working hard enough.
According to Sendya, if you have been exercising consistently for several weeks, months or years, it is time to increase the intensity and start pushing yourself. As you work out more and more, your body adapts and becomes more efficient at doing that certain activity.
Remedy: Try adding an extra day of cardio onto your routine or testing out a new group exercise class at the gym. Remember, when it comes to exercise, change is good, and that change should be challenging.

Not the right exercise
Kiwanuka says different exercises work for different effects. You could be doing the wrong ones. He says it is important to tell your instructor what you want to achieve so that he devises an exercise routine suited to your needs.
“You cannot lift weights if your aim is to reduce belly fat. There are exercises for this such as sit ups. Ssendya notes that if you are not achieving your goal with the current instructor, try switching because some are unqualified.

You are lazy
If you put in a solid exercise session only to sit at a desk all day and lounge in a recliner watching TV at night, you may be undoing all of your hard work at the gym. “Gym is all about regularity and hard work. Some people attend twice a week yet the least should be three to four days. This will make your body reluctant and each time you get to the gym it is like starting afresh,” Ssendya explains.
Remedy: Try to work more activity into all areas of your life.

You are not sweating
Sweating means the body has responded to your exercise, implying that a few calories have been burnt. Not sweating means you are not putting in as mush as expected and, therefore, no effect created.

How to improve:
The instructors give tips on how to make exercising more effective
Eat right
If you are to take supper, have it as early 7pm. You should also eat plenty of proteins and greens for your body building.
Take plenty of water
Water is a must take after every workout and in daily life because it hydrates your body.
Get partners
To curb laziness, make it a competition and partner with someone who wants the same effect.