An undeveloped town council

While Wobulenzi was elevated to a town council level, it is still a remote area. File photo

Wobulenzi was recently upgraded to a town council statusbut when I visited the area, it was with businesses ranging from whole sale shops, retail shops, street vendors, salons, boutiques, hardware shops, food stalls and financial institutions such as banks and microfinances.

Located in Luwero District, Wobulenzi is about 30km from Kampala city on the Gulu Highway. Transport to and fro Wobulenzi is between Shs5,000 to Shs3,000, Noordeen Kabogoza Kiwanuka, the chairperson Nakasero zone, says.
He adds that Wobulenzi has six parishes where each parish has more than three villages. Some of the villages in Wobulenzi are Katale, Nakasero, Kisawe, Kigulu, Katikamu, Luzzi, Luyima, Nakadingidi, Wampamba, Bukolwa, Kikoma, Bukalasa, and Kikasa among others.
Timothy Maseruka Mukasa, another leader in the area, says most of the youths in the area are casual labourers. They engage in activities such as construction, driving taxis, riding bodabodas, baking chapattis, and vending clothes.
William Kikonyogo, the chairperson of Katikamu parish, admits that there is some theft in the area. He said some people do not want to work, but instead look for quick money through sports betting. He however said the area leaders collaborate who destabilise the peace of the place.
Timothy Maseruka representing the Central Parish in Wobulenzi Town Council says the name of the place was derived from the quarrying activities that took place in the area in the past. He says there was a valley where residents could go to quarry stones. Since there was a hill, they would carry stones in small baskets or sacks. Afterwards, they would sell the stones to Europeans in ratios. Thus residents often described it as Eyo amayinja bagalenga bulenzi loosely translated as a place where stones are sold in ratios thus the name Wobulenzi.
Mr Musa Nabende the Savannah region police commander acknowledged that there is burglary and land wrangles in the area. “We are coordinating with local council leaders and residents to reduce the crime rate in the whole region. Besides, we have also recruited crime preventers,” he said.