Update your wall paint with copper accents

Making a penny framed mirror is a fun way to upgrade a boring frame that you may already have lying around your house.

What you need to know:

Using copper accents in the home is a great way to add instant warmth, elegance, and rustic glamour to your interior. Sarah Aanyu explores this trend and how it can be incorporated into your home.

The most known mode of beautifying a home is through painting. However, there are other alternatives that can be used to cover the walls and still look beautiful.
Copper gives the walls a vintage, classy and unique look. It may be a material that is rarely used at home but it is common in hotels and other places.
Due to the cost, you may not be able to cover all the walls with copper but you can place it in specific places and still have the desired effect.

Where you can place it
Isabel Odida, an interior designer at Miss Odida, says there is no specific place to use copper and no need to worry about the reflective nature because there are quite a number of copper colours.
“Pulling off a good look using copper is tricky. It is best to seek the help of an expert who will who will design the house based on your own desired taste,” says Odida.
She says copper comes in many colours though the most preferred is the brown reddish colour because it gives the room a rustic appearance.

“This colour can be used in all rooms of the house right from the living room, kitchen, bedroom and corridors. There is no rule when it comes to using copper but it may be a bit odd to place it in the toilet, bathroom and store room,” says Odida.
She advises those who plan to use copper to use the appropriate lighting that can bring out its beauty.

How to best use it
Allan Kwagala, an architect, says you can cut copper into shapes then place those shapes on the wall as either wall hangings or paint which means some painted parts will not be covered.
He says you an individual can have it cut into the rectangular form and in different shades so that when arranged, they appear as bricks or even something better.

“Due to its shiny effect, copper best suits small rooms because it makes them seem larger with more work space, especially in the kitchen,” Kwagala says.
He says when renovating, for a new look, use copper and your home will stand out from the rest.

Maintaining it
Copper needs special care and attention so that it does not attain any other colour.
Kwagala says do not let copper get into contact with any acidic content but in case it spills on it by mistake, then it should be washed off with water and dried immediately.
He advises those who buy it to make sure that it is treated so as to avoid the corrosion and having it affect those who are allergic to copper.
“Its not hard to maintain copper, it is just a little basics that need to be followed and it will remain sparkling new,” says Kwagala.

• Squeeze lemon juice into a bowl and mix with salt. Apply the lemon with a spoon and rub directly on copper. Allowing longer exposure by using a paste will help clean stained or hard-to-reach areas. Rinse and dry.
• Combine a few tablespoons of lemon juice with one tablespoon of baking soda and rub the mixture in until the grime begins to come off. Polish off with a clean cloth.