Bring God into your life

It is not enough to go to church every Sunday. We should endeavour to live a life that make us righteous and faithful.

What you need to know:

  • Steadfast. It is not enough to go to church every Sunday. We should endeavour to live a life that make us righteous and faithful, writes Gillian Nantume

Many of us go to church every Sunday, and on that day, we are particularly nice to those around us.
We might even feel compelled to offer money to someone in need at church or in the neighbourhood.
But, do these actions mean that God is living in us, especially when on Monday morning we return to our old selves?
How do you know that God is living in you? Surely, there must be some fruits to the presence of God in our lives that we can see.
This is our conversation with God. You cannot have a conversation with someone who is not near you. Chances are that if you rarely contact someone, then you will have little to say to them when you meet.
Keep God in your life and talk to Him all the time. You do not have to sleep in church; talk to Him as you do your daily chores. Fervent prayers are very effective in changing situations (James 5:16).

Name and shame
Do you hide your sins from other people? No worries, we all do, but, you can never hide from yourself or from God.
He will not live where there is sin, but we are imperfect and not holy.
So, what then? Be brutally honest with yourself; when your conscience alerts you to a sin; do not sweep it away.
Confess to God and ask for forgiveness immediately (1 John 1:9-10).

Have faith
Remember the undying faith you had in your parents when you were younger? Here is the trick.
The Bible is full of God’s promises, so claim them and remind God of those promises.
Then sit back, and have faith. God stands by His Word; if He said it, then He will do it (Hebrews 11:6).
Do not be discouraged by the long time He might take to answer – that is the way of God. He will answer, but at the same time, He will teach you a lesson in patience.

Always be thankful
None of us is living the perfect life. The true mark of God’s presence is being thankful in every situation.
When everything is going wrong in your life, give thanks (Habakkuk 3:17-19)! God has the best plans for you – even your misfortune may be part of His plan.
When you thank God, even with tears in your eyes and heart, you are giving Him a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. God has never ignored such a sacrifice.

Reflecting on God

Sometimes it is hard to read the Bible simply because it can be boring. But you do not have to read whole chapters.
Just pick a verse every day, read it, and think about how that verse can guide your life as you sit in the traffic jam.
Ask God to help you live according to the verse (Psalm 119:11). If you do not understand the verse, ask Him to help you; it might come to you just before you sleep.