Domestic violence raises HIV risks in women

What you need to know:

Dr. Sentumbwe says it’s against this back ground that WHO has started holding consultative meetings with government and other stake holders to ensure the vice is greatly reduced

Women who have been victims of domestic violence are most likely to suffer multiple health complications including increased HIV risks- experts warn.

The family Health and Population Advisor at the WHO country office in Uganda Dr. Olive Sentumbwe says a number of women who experience domestic violence are at a higher risk of acquiring HIV/AIDS, having internal bleeding and miscarriages among other health complications.

Dr. Sentumbwe says it’s against this back ground that WHO has started holding consultative meetings with government and other stake holders to ensure the vice is greatly reduced.

WHO statistics indicate that 62percent of women in Uganda are victims of some form of domestic violence.

Meanwhile, women rights activists have resounded the call just days after the First Global summit on sexual gender based violence.

Ms Lina Zedriga, of the Center for Governance, Peace and Security outlines some of the declarations of the UK summit, challenging government to focus on prevention of the vice in all situations especially in cases of armed conflict.

Ms Zedriga adds that a special team must now be constituted to implement these declarations and translate the boardroom rhetoric into real action.