Former MP Kipoi Extradited to Uganda

Mr Kipoi said he was too tired to speak to journaists about his arrest. Photo by Stephen Otage


Former Bubulo West Member of Parliament Tony Nsubuga Kipoi together with an accomplice Robert Kitale have arrived at Entebbe VVIP airport upon their deportation from Botswana where they were arrested on January 31st 2018.

They were arreted on charges of obtaining money by false pretence, that as witchdoctors, they could treat all forms of illnesses.

Asked to comment about his arrest, Kipoi refused to talk to journalists saying he is very tired. His colleague said he does not know the reason he was arrested.

According to Joseph Ocwet the director general of ESO, they have been coordinating with authorities in Botswana to repatriate them here.

Kipoi went into exile in 2014 and has since been in Congo and South Africa.