I sweat a lot when i take beer

What you need to know:

Alcohol intolerance whereby one after taking some alcohol may get immediate, unpleasant reactions including a stuffy nose, sweating and skin flushing (in brown people) may happen due to a genetic condition in which the body is unable to break down alcohol efficiently

Doctor I sweat a lot whenever I take beer. Infact I am soon stopping drinking because my bed gets wet at night whenever I drink. What can I do to change the sweat? - Kwemara Adyeeri, Kyenjojo

Dear Adyeri, we sweat so that we can cool down. When we sleep at night the body does not utilise much of the body heat since resting does not require much energy so we sweat the excess heat out. However, with drinking of alcohol of any brand this sweating may be increased since alcohol on its own causes our outer blood vessels (peripheral arteries) to dilate bringing more blood to the skin and sweat glands resulting in more sweating.

When one starts sweating a lot after taking alcohol, he or she may be developing a drinking problem. Unfortunately when one has a drinking problem ceasing drinking then may lead to an alcohol withdrawal problem which is also associated with sweating.

Alcohol intolerance whereby one after taking some alcohol may get immediate, unpleasant reactions including a stuffy nose, sweating and skin flushing (in brown people) may happen due to a genetic condition in which the body is unable to break down alcohol efficiently. In rare instances, such reactions to alcohol can be a sign of a serious underlying health problem that requires diagnosis and treatment by a doctor. Night sweating is also commonly related to menopause, some cancers and infections including tuberculosis which require ruling out by a medic.

Although moderate drinking may carry health benefits, stopping drinking altogether will not harm your health, especially when drinking has become unpleasant.