Stay healthy this Christmas

During Christmas and the festive season as a whole there is usually lots of celebrations and too much to eat. Most people will forget that they have to be cautious on what they eat which might endanger their lives. Do it differently this year by eating less and staying health by following some of the tips below.

Eat nutritious foods
According to Jamil Mutiima, a nutritionist, you should not be so particular with food because it is a one-time celebration but you should aim to have a balanced diet.
“Eat a variety of food. Eat more vegetables than proteins and vice versa for children,” he says.
But beyond the food, regulate the amount of sugar or better opt for fruit juices such as mango and passion. Desert should be something like mangoes, apples and pawpaw, among others.
Full time celebrations will wear you out. So devout time to resting and do it in plenty, according to Eunice Ajok, a nurse at Lubagga hospital.
“You should put your head down to allow your body to rest and regain energy,” she says.
Take less alcohol
Around the festive season people have saved enough and they are ready to celebrate. But caution should be exercised when it comes to taking alcohol.
“Alcohol is good if taken with a bit of caution so take less to keep you in a stable condition,” Ajok says, advising that it is better to take more water than alcoholic contents.

Find secure happening places
Whereas people go out to have a good time, other people are having different ideas, therefore, according to Fagil Mandy, an educationist and parent, you need to look out for happening places that are secure.
“Be sure that the place has the right people and the right kind of security that will not put your life at risk,” he advises.

Go for active hangouts
According to Ivan Kiwanuka, an instructor at LB’Z Gym, it is meaningless to go to a place and get bored there. Look out for happening places. However, he says, they must be secure and conveniently located.

Celebrate to the fullest
Family celebrations are most ideal during the festive season; therefore, according to Mutiima you should plan for such celebrations in time. It is not late to start planning now. However, if you plan to do it with your family it would be better that you do it at home.

Eat less
Food is usually in plenty around the festive season but eat less and, according to Ajok. The season comes once a year but that is not an excuse to eat too much as that might upset your stomach.

Eat nutritious foods. According to nutritionists, you should not be so particular with food because it’s a one-time celebration but you should aim to have a balanced diet. Eat more vegetables than proteins and vice versa for children. Beyond the food, regulate the amount of sugar or better opt for fruit juices such as mango and passion.