A broke man who doesn’t want to earn, hell no

All men are good and maybe all of them deserve love. But to be honest, love and respect are earned. You can date a broke man but two months should be probation time.

Awake or asleep, I will never choose the “poor” life. I used to be lenient with everyone and never minded about their paycheck until my last relationship.
Jinwu* was a handsome man and a moving fantasy. His height and size earned him respect. He was that kind of man who never left a house without double checking his perfect frame in the mirror.

Jinwu had perfect taste when it came to clothes, shoes and haircuts. For five months, I showed him off to my friends like a new diamond ring. They appreciated my taste and it was fulfilling. Most times, however, I had to pay the bills to sugarcoat my 'bad' choice.

There came a time when I needed him to step up and be a man but I guess this was a whole new chapter for him. Jinwu was the kind who woke up at 11am and after sending me a “Good morning honey” text follow it up with either, “I’m hungry” or “kindly send me some airtime”. At first I did the needful, but later I remembered – he is the man in this relationship. I started giving him a deaf ear. And can you imagine how shocked I was when he started talking about children! My eyes bulged open and my mind froze. “Are you kidding me?” I asked. “You barely can afford a single guy’s life but you are craving more mouths to feed?” “What do you mean? You are working,” he replied.

That’s when the spirit of blindness left me. The veil was removed off my eyes. I could clearly see that this was not a man but an alien who happened to be dressed in pants. He went ahead and told me how his mother raised them single-handedly because their dad had married someone else. My memory stopped recording what he was saying. I wondered how anyone in this world could grow up without learning a single lesson in life. I mean, if your mother suffered to raise you, aren’t you supposed to even be more hardworking than she was? Did you enjoy seeing her suffer? Are you saying you are proud of your father and are choosing to follow in his footsteps? All these questions were flooding my mind but my mouth played mute and no word came out.

That’s when it dawned on me that looks can be deceiving. How can anyone raise a child and not teach them responsibilities?

Even the women should know that a life of an independent woman is bigger than beauty. No one wants a beggar in their home. Of course a true man will provide before you ask but just in case, do not beg for something you can get on your own.

Back to Jinwu, I asked him about his financial plans but he told me he was taking off time to rest. “I’m giving myself a year, work can be stressful. I don’t think I want to go through it now,” he proudly answered. Now it was my mouth that dropped open. Who takes time off earning? Won’t you eat during your time off?

If you still prefer to look at your broke cute boyfriend - good luck.
Oh, and by the way, I am not looking for the likes of Michael Ezra (where did he go by the way?) with lots of redundant millions on accounts. An average man with dreams which might sound silly but who at least gives me hope is okay. Unless your clock is ticking away very fast, and all you need is a sperm donor, do not risk dating a wrong man. A perpetually broke and lazy man, however handsome he is, doesn’t deserve to be loved.

Twitter: @kalungixtyn