Boy, I ain't your mama

Like Adam and Eve, we were brought together by reasons we have long forgotten. Before you put me into your home, you treated me like a jewel, took care of me and warmed me with kisses. What has changed now?
You always took time to study my feelings and expressions, you could tell the pain behind my smile and you held my hand every time I was nervous.

You taught me to trust and love again. I opened up to you and I was proud to say “I DO”. But as time passed, you got so comfortable that you forgot about your obligations.

I am your woman and not your mama. I appreciate the fact that you chose me, you saw a life partner in me and you entrusted me to be the mother of your children. I accepted your marriage proposal not because I saw a dad in you but because I saw a man I can grow old with.

I am your wife, treat me that way. I agree, I will listen to all your issues, stay on your bedside, make you a good meal, lay on your (our) bed and make our home comfortable.

Your duty is not only to leave Kameeza money and just walk out. I need you to get involved, check on the children and spend sometime with me. When you are home on weekends, don’t just caress your lazy body and play video games as you watch me do all the chores (Oh, I need to remind you am not your maid either)- get up and help me out. Don’t just pay school fees and bills, take time and help our kids with homework, fix the tap and teach them how to drive.

Don’t just tell me what you want to eat on the weekend, join me in the kitchen and let us do it together.
When the babies cry, don’t call me out of the bathroom; you are their father and bonding with them is all I ask. Figure out why they are crying and spank them when need arises.

Take some time off and treat me like your wife, caress me, find out why my hair is messy or why my skin is reacting. I need you to be involved, take care of me as I take care of you. Give me that massage on the weekends and lets play hide and seek together.

If I choose to make you a good meal, do your laundry and remember to change your socks everyday, do not confuse my care for responsibility. I am not your mama who is supposed to do that, but your wife who cares.

Don’t be shy with me, I have seen the whole of you and there’s no need to pretend. When your friends visit during the weekend, don’t just sit there and watch me playing mother- we are a couple. Let’s make your friends envy us. Get the table ready as I warm the soup; be involved in the home management other than just playing the head.

Do it when I am still warm, don’t wait for me to quit the entire game and then you remember your duties as a husband. No matter how responsible or old I look, remember, I am your woman and not your mama. Just like Jennifer Lopez said, “we used to be deeply in love, can’t we go back to how we was?”