I have failed to find love

The problem

Dear Heart to Heart, I am a 24-year-old man. But I can’t explain what is really happening to me! I have loved more than 23 girls since I was 19 years old. But I think I am missing the content in long-lasting love, because I can’t love a girl for more than three months. I have already started losing love for my current girlfriend whom I only meet on weekends because we live in different districts. That is why I am seeking help. I am tired of breaking other people’s hearts. Please help. Anonymous

Your solutions
Wilfred Mukisa. We are a product of our choices. The decision you take to leave those girls is the one haunting you now. Make a choice to stay with one girl and that is all you need.
You can’t say all the girls you have met are bad or unattractive. If you are not ready for a serious relationship please wait but do not play with other people’s feelings because one time you will need a girl to stay with and they will reject you too. Remember what goes around comes around.

Melvin Nasasira Simple. Tell your girlfriend what you’ve been doing and let her know your weakness and help you in your pursuit for a long-term relationship. It’s not your fault. It might be a past relationship which went bad and broke your heart beyond repair.

Joseph Kizito Lukyamuzi. You’re perfectly normal, you just haven’t found love yet and that’s probably because you are not looking for love when you date.

Kwezi Elizabeth. Men are wired differently from women.
A man is supposed to date a woman he is really into that is why they will chase a woman until the woman is convinced that he is the one.
A woman on the other hand needs to be convinced and once she is, she will fall in love with you. You need to find that one girl who you feel you can’t live without and when you do, that business of short term relationships will stop.

Muge Freddy. Focus on life matters such as work, prayers. Make your body very precious because you won’t finish all the girls. Be godly and you will learn something about living a responsible life.

Kawooya Godfrey Lwabaaga. When time comes for you to love without breaking up, it will simply unfold. It doesn’t need much of your effort. Let the wind blow as it wishes. It will change direction and drive you to the desired destination at the right Time.

Yosa Obida Erima. For you to love more than 23 girls at your age, means your mind is driven by worldly pleasures yet God is love! Pray to God to give you a girl who will fulfill your needs such that your actions do not lead you into problems.

Banya Stanslas. Try taking a break, if your current relationship doesn’t work give it six months at least. The absence will help you value what you don’t have.

Next week’s problem

Dear Heart to Heart, I am a married man and things have been going well with my wife until recently when I met another woman whom I feel is perfect. She knows that I am married but is now pregnant and her parents are not yet aware. My dilemma is that she is still in O-Level. Secondly, I can’t be in two relationships. Should I separate with my wife? James