I no longer want anything with a friendly girl

I have been calling this silly girl for over six months now, asking her out for just one date, and I had decided that this was going to be the last phone call I was going to make to her. Just one date, imagine. Is that too much for a guy to ask for? In this day and age of being civil, and also being straight to the point and not wasting people’s time, there is really no point in keeping a guy on such a waiting line. Tell him to take a hike if you are not interested. But these things of ‘Haaaaa, today is tight, lets try tomorrow’, then tomorrow comes, and ‘today is really tight, can we do weekend?’, and it goes on and on like that. In my effort to persevere, believing that if I stuck around long enough, one day, just one day, she was bound to accept. Maybe she was in fact busy, like she just wasn’t toying with me.
But then, I had this discussion with a friend of mine, another girl, and she told me to grow up. Imagine, being told to grow up. Apparently, the girl didn’t just want to be rude to me. There is a type of girl who can’t bring themselves to tell a guy to take a hike, so they let you quit by yourself after getting tired of asking. That wasn’t the first time I was hearing this, but I had not expected it from this chick because the way she sounded so sweet and apologetic on phone was believable. There could be no malice co-existing with that apparent sweetness. And she had never failed to pick my calls, even calling me back when she found a missed call. So, even if this other girl was convinced that I was being taken for ride, I held my doubts.
To prove my point, I called her with this chick present, and put her on loudspeaker. “Heyyyyyy, how are you? How have you been?”, she answered. She sounded so genuinely happy to hear from me, but the look on this chick’s face was even more suspicious. We bantered a bit, and then I asked her when I was finally going to see her, considering that I was traveling soon. I wasn’t travelling, but if that made her stop fooling around, why not? She paused for a bit, as if looking for a day she would be available then gave me a date two days away. We said our byes and hang up. I was convinced that unless something came up (which seemed to always happen), this time, the girl was serious. But this chick was not convinced at all. She told me that that was an act, she was a modern muyaye, who just didn’t want to be rude to me. So, we placed a bet; if the girl didn’t show up, I owed this girl a brand new phone. On the other hand, if she showed up, this girl owed me a brand new laptop. The stakes were high, they had to be because both of us were certain we were right. Though I had a nagging doubt.
Well, you guessed right; I lost. I should not have made such a stupid bet. She sent me a text early that morning that she too had to travel, urgent family things, and wished me a safe journey. Now, the more friendly a girl seems, the less I want anything to do with her.