I refused to pay for her trips and she left me

The year has so far started off well r. Reason is, I am single. Yes, I have come to notice a pattern over the years; the years that start when I am in a relationship rarely go well, yet those that start with me single have all the prospects of ending well. It mostly does not matter the kind of girl I am dating as the year starts. For example, I was once dating a money-grabbing girl who only saw in me the ability to take her to fancy places.

When new year’s came round and I decided I was not going to spend half a million shillings on tickets for a music show that I did not want to go to, she decided to start giving me hell. She said she was not happy with me. If she had left just like that, I would have been ok with it.

Instead, she stuck around and made my life miserable, always complaining that I did not love her. Just because I refused to pay for those tickets.
Two months later, I again refused to pay for her camping trip. I did not want her to go in the first place, so I told her that if she wanted to go, then she should foot her own bill. She sulked until she finally decided to pay for herself. When she came back, she told me she was leaving. I even wondered why she had come back at all.

Anyway, like I said, this year I have no such people to make my life miserable. I made it a point to terminate the last one just before we got into the festive season. Of course you may say that I am a mean person – it is your opinion. First, she had been saying it was not working out for ages. And I agreed with her because we had been growing apart for the past four months. Then one day, her phone rang and as I picked it up to take it to her - she was in the living room - a message came in saying ‘hi love’. I read the message, and the others too.

There was not even much in the messages, nothing incriminating. I then took her the phone, and asked her about that person addressing her as love. She checked the message, realised I had read it and instead of explaining, started chewing my ear for snooping around in her stuff.
She did not even tell me who it was that was calling her love. After a while listening to her quarrel, I told her it was okay she did not have to tell me. But I would not trust her anymore. She replied that she had never trusted me at all. That was it! I did not say anything, I just went away.

Two days later, she told me she was sorry she had not intended to be that harsh. I accepted the apology but my heart was no longer in it. Then she started complaining that I was no longer caring enough. Indeed, I was not caring anymore. The love was gone. Even her friend pretended she wanted to buy me a drink, just to find out what had happened between us. I took the drink then told her to ask her friend and deliver a message; we were done.

That same evening girlfriend called me. The moment I answered, she called me a coward. Coward for not having the guts to face her and end the relationship myself. Coward for hiding behind her friend. Coward for pretending I was a man yet I was not. When I asked her to clarify, she just screamed at me to get lost and stay away from her.
In the end, it looked as if she was the one that had left me. Which worked well for me, because now she won’t be back bothering me, asking me to give it another try. Oh, wait a minute, she is calling me right now... I think she wants to insult me some more.