How to make 2015 a great year

Thursday? We welcome 2015. New Year resolutions will be declared with optimism which is great. The intention is to have a better year. So, how can you create a great 2015? Here are some tips for you.

Dream bigger
The size of your dream will determine the intensity of your actions. If you are a student and your goal last year was to average 80 per cent, now stretch it to 90 per cent. If you are a sales person and your closing ratio was 20 per cent, shoot for 40 per cent. Bigger goals will inspire you to perform at a much higher level and the results will be higher too.
Hire a coach
I met a gentleman last week in the banking hall and he asked me for a tip to make 2015 fantastic. I paused and said, “Hire a coach because there will be more accountability in your life and in the process you will achieve your goals faster”. He nodded in agreement. Oh, and I remembered to market myself as a great coach. I have noticed that whenever I have a coach (I have one now), I take more action and create more results in the process. I am not asking you to do what I am not doing myself. Yes, I pay someone monthly to give me alternative perspectives and keep me on track. Do it my friend.
Trash junk
My trunk had a lot of unnecessary papers and some junk. I cleaned it up last Wednesday and it felt like a lot of weight was removed from my shoulders. Think about it, extra weight means I was also spending more on fuel. Next on my agenda is office. I challenge you to look through your office desk, car, home and throw away or give away stuff you no longer need. This will create more space for you to think better, act better and also attract better things or opportunities in 2015.

Daily positive action
Once you have committed to your main goals for 2015, think of the daily actions you can take to get you closer to the achievement of your targets. A successful year is made up of successful weeks. Successful weeks are made up of successful days. So, focus on succeeding on a daily basis and the year will take care of itself.
Daily review
Acting without reflection and review is dangerous because you might be off course without your awareness. You might think you are making progress and yet going backwards. On a daily basis, reflect on what you did well, what you could have done differently and the goals for the following day. This will enable you to correct what is not going right and keep what is great.

I appreciate your reading this column every Tuesday. Without you, it wouldn’t make sense to write. From the bottom of my heart, my prayer is that you experience an amazing 2015 filled with incredible wealth, abundance and wellness in all aspects of your life. Amen.

[email protected] Ethan Musolini is the CEO of Success Africa, a motivational speaker, author and HR consultant