First date cues for you to take off

Women, or humans in general, have a tendency to jump right into an open pit. If you should end up with a male chauvinist or wife batterer however, at least we would have told you that the signs were there for you to see at your the first encounter. Christine Wanjiru Wanjala tips off

So, that nerve-wracking first date is over and you are looking forward to the next, or not, depending on how it went. Even with the best preparation (we know how much time you spent picking that perfect outfit), there are times when a second date is not a good idea unless you have a thing for self-inflicted pain.

Sadly, most of this realisation is usually a tad too late, which is why we went out and got these handy tips. Take it like a warning from a sister to another. If any of these scenarios play up during your first date, don’t bother with the second date unless again you have a penchant for disastrous love stories. Here goes;

He shows up late
And not a minute or two. Not even ten minutes. But a whole hour, you finished two cups of coffee late. That is assuming he didn’t have mechanical trouble and have to walk the twenty kilometres to the meeting point in the rain. Or a huge tree fell across the road and he had to clamber over it and still walk the twenty kilometres in the rain. (If this happened and he still came, stop reading this article, and marry him, that’s a keeper).Back to him showing up for the date, take his explanations with a pinch of salt because that is one unserious dude. If he shows up late and doesn’t bother with an apology, don’t even waste time finishing that particular date.

He keeps tweeting and Facebook or chatting on phone
No prizes for guessing why. Any relationship with this guy is doomed to fail unless you are an app laden smart phone.
He talks only about himself and doesn’t ask anything about you: Let me explain further, if you leave the date knowing the names of all their family pets, his mother’s maiden name, what he likes and doesn’t, what he last did with his friends for fun and yet he didn’t even get your second name, black list him. Especially if he doesn’t even give you a minute to ask the questions. Don’t waste time sweating over what to wear for the second date if your first date sounds like an autobiographical lecture.

He is too sexual
At this point I must specify it all depends on what you want. If it is a booty call buddy, or even better a self-styled lothario who will hit and run. Then by all means, go ahead. But if you are looking for a keeper like the rest of women folk think again about going for a second date if he managed to keep accidentally intentionally grope you. Also if he kept his talk around sex, and kept insinuating that you two should get down as soon as possible. If throughout or anywhere during the date if you feel he is pushing the sex subject too much, you may as well know that even a second date won’t save that relationship, once he has what he is so hot for, poof! he will vanish.

He didn’t try at all
By this I mean he showed up looking like grave digger dressed for work. Or even worse smelling like a cheese factory. Also if he came high as a kite and doesn’t even bother with an impression. I mean you went all out; the least he can do is meet you halfway if he can’t match you. If the real him scares you or puts you off, forget the second date and move along to the next frog.
There are many scenarios including if he rushes you through the date so he can hang out with the boys, or he stands you up and never really explains or worse uses offensive language, or is violent. If he brings along another person along without prior mentioning it or spends the time talking about his ex. Anything that makes the first date painful or a total waste of time, you can add your own.