Ride on passion and lower your monetary expectations

Fred Sakura, a radio presenter at KFM.

What you need to know:

  • Fred Sakura is a radio presenter at KFM. He has been in the media industry for 21 years. He believes Tv and Radio personalities should not be referred to as “the 50k people.”

What has been the highlight of your journalism career?
As a broadcaster I have, over the last 21 years used a radio microphone to make a positive contribution to society. Needless to say, the inspiration I give to our youthful generation gives me pride. But the highlight is two-fold. In 1999, as a young radio presenter fresh from Ntare School, I got an opportunity to host the president. The other moment is when I was crowned as the best male English language presenter on radio in 2010.

Are there moments when you regretted your profession?
I loved radio from childhood and my passion has never weathered. Just like any other profession, there are times when I get low moments and thoughts of “had I taken a different career direction, things would probably be different.” Regret is rather a heavy word, which I would not use to describe how I feel about my radio career.
If you were not presenting on radio, what else would you do?
Authoring. I would be novelist, movie/screenplay writer and poet all at the same time.

What has fatherhood taught you?
It’s a full time job. I have learnt hardwork, endurance and patience. Every father should play the roles of providing, protecting and loving their offspring and only then can our purpose of co-creating be fulfilled.

What is the craziest thing a fan has ever told you on air?
In 1999, I was presenting a night show on Radio West called Good Night Melodies. A female fan told me that from the way I sounded on air I must be a casanova yet I was still a virgin.

How do you deal with stalkers?
Those that are young, I scare them off with “I am a married man’. Those that are not young, I intentionally adopt a quiet disposition, which is always interpreted as a negative attitude. Women are magnetised by a warm reception.Anything less than that sends them running.

What’s your philosophy in life?
One doesn’t have to be great. Just do simple things greatly. Predestination is God’s way.

What do you find attractive in a woman?
They say visuals weaken us as men but I will tell you that’s half – truth and half a lie. I am attracted to intelligent self-driven women.
What meal can you comfortably prepare without help?
I have not had any formal training in cooking so I can’t claim to be any chef of sorts but my mother taught all of us to cook traditional dishes. So I can peel matooke and cook all traditional dishes, including millet bread (Kalo).
Which book would you recommend someone to read?
It’s title is Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a world that can’t stop talking, authored by Susan Cain.

If you had to change anything about the media in Uganda, what would it be?
The remuneration structures. Media plays a very crucial role in righting the wrongs within the social, economic and political sectors. Media’s human resource should not be referred to as “the 50k people”.

What kind of legacy do you want to leave?
Hard work, focus and humility propel success and longevity. I want to be remembered as one who took the art and science of radio to a high level with the greatest sense of humility.

What kind of Uganda do you wish to see?
A Ugandan that’s a lot more honest and non-corruptible. I want to see more kind people who reach out to other people. I want to see people with sense of nationalism.