I eat according to my blood type

Just like you warm up a car engine before driving, I believe my body needs to be warmed up. Therefore, first thing in the morning, I pray and meditate for my spiritual growth and sustenance.

Then, I drink four glasses of warm water because a hydrated body can do so much. This is followed with 10-15 minutes of a warm up routine and stretches at the start of each day. This gives me a great kick start to my day and keeps me lean too.

I couple that with at least 40 min of exercise three to four times a week. My diet is mostly organic and guided by my Genotype blood type - A warrior. That is thanks to Dr Tamale who helped me discover who I am; thin and long and that explains my lifestyle and things I enjoy. It is liberating as I know that despite the way I look, I am healthy.

It is a must for me to supplement my diet and rather than go for snacks such as crisps, I eat healthy bites such as pumpkin. I dance, play and run with my children which keeps me young at heart and happy. It is also exercise in its own right. I also go for annual general body checkups with my doctor to ensure that all is well with my body.

When stressed, I have learned that every situation must be handled according to its root cause. So, I start with praying as that always gives me a sense of peace and release. I will also dance and play with my children, and read a book to put my mind off stressful issues for a while.
But I will also talk through issues with my spouse. I could also go for a walk to clear my mind or chat with a girlfriend or my brothers who lifts my spirit.

As told to Dorcus Murungi