Are you safe ordering food online?

During the coronavirus pandemic, the question about ordering food online might be a bit tricky and yet with a few safety measure one can have safe food delivered to their home.

What you need to know:

  • If you order sealed food, let it be sealed even at the time of delivery. Be sure to check the seal and the expiry date before you accept it.

During the coronavirus pandemic, the question about ordering food online might be a bit tricky and yet with a few safety measure one can have safe food delivered to their home.
Although there is no evidence that the coronavirus can be transmitted through food, it is possible for the people who are handling the food to contaminate the package in which it is brought. One has to, therefore, take precaution measures to sure safety and prevent the spread of disease.

Shamim Namugerwa, a psychosocial personnel working with the Covid-I9 rapid assessment survey team, says it is important that you order food from a recognised place or restaurant. “The beauty with recognised places is that they have a brand to keep so they will always mind about hygiene and ensure proper handling of the food,” she says
She adds that legit and recognised places will use delivery persons that are well protected.

Check the seal
If you order sealed food, let it be sealed even at the time of delivery. Be sure to check the seal and the expiry date before you accept it.
Namugerwa says, “Hot foods are safer to order from restaurants than cold foods. Refrain from ordering things such as juices, salads, and frozen foods because they easily gather bacteria and other microorganisms that are harmful to your health,” she advises.

“If they are fruits or vegetables being delivered, remember to wash them thoroughly under running water.
When the delivery person comes, ensure to keep the distance from them and minimise transactions that involve the exchange of physical money. It is safe to use mobile money for payments.