Dressing right for your workout

Your workout clothes should be comfortable to avoid any distractions while working out. INTERNET PHOTO

In life, you should try and enjoy whatever we do regardless of how rigorous it might be. Even with exercising, regardless of how much weight you want to lose, have fun.

Choosing your bra
While a lace bra will work wonders for you when heading out for a date, it will not survive the intense drills during your gym time. Mellisa Mukiibi remembers the day she was cautioned by her gym instructor.“I had not given thought to the fact that these jumps and sudden squats would get my bust moving vigorously. I jumped and my breasts popped out of the bra. It took a lot of courage to stay in the room,” she says. Mukiibi has since learned to put a sports bra on top of her normal bra to avoid a repetition of events.

Drop that bright attire
Do not get me wrong, you can always wear that bright t-shirt for your motivation but sometimes, bright items, seeing that they draw attention may highlight a spot you may want concealed, such as your hind side. Other clothes you may want to steer clear of, according to Ian Kakeeto, a gym instructor, are print clothes.
“They also highlight your body, something you may want to avoid as you tone it.” He thus advises you to go for dark outfits that will enhance your figure and flatter you, making the work more interesting and fruitful.

Underwire sports bras
No bias at all, but having a big bust may be your undoing when exercising. Vivian Ssekitoleko has had to learn the hard way during workouts. “In the beginning, exercising was so painful as my breasts would bounce with every move. It took some consulting before I could return to gym activities because I could not take it anymore. That was when I discovered that sports bras can also have underwires,” she says.

Compression spandex
“Looking at my spandex pants, I am forever thankful to the makers. Wearing these pants makes my thighs, butt and hips stay compressed while boosting my confidence because I look and feel great in them. So I can go for road work without worrying about getting any nasty comments thrown my way in regards to my body,” says Joan Kakeeto.

Some people may want more than what the compression spandex can offer, yet squats are not getting their body the much needed help fast enough. Belinda Lukusa, a gym attire salesperson, advises that they look at the stitching of the gym attire.
“Look out for those with tight and curved stitching as they will raise yet hold your butt, thigh and hip area hence doing you a lot of good,” she advises.

High waisted elastic
The battle with the ‘bulge’ or ‘pooch’ as some may call it is real and it causes many to feel insecure. And inasmuch as you are at the gym working out to trim it, the insecurities among some is high that something must be done.
Lukusa advises that you try wearing workout pants with high waisted elastic as they will smoothen the tummy making them feel secure enough to focus on the exercises.

We have seen talking t-shirts around us and it is time to incorporate them in our workout wear.
Kakeeto says a little inspiration goes a long way in pushing someone to feel comfortable in their skin and achieving their dreams.

Dress the part

Nonetheless, despite doing your best to look amazing as you work out, Ian Kakeeto, a gym instructor, reminds us of the need to dress for the exercise type we are going for. “If you are cycling, technical gear such as reflective patches are ideal to ensure that you are noticeable. Even those that jog at dawn or dusk should consider putting on such clothing. If you are going for an aerobics class, cotton loose fitting clothing would be ideal to allow for flexibility,” she advises.