Treating laryngitis from home

For better results, add honey to tea which reduces irritation and keeps any oncoming cough at bay.

What you need to know:

  • Tea with honey. Apart from calming her, a cup of tea soothes her throat like no other. However, for better results, she adds honey which reduces the irritation and keeps any oncoming cough at bay.

Just a night of singing or enthusiastic cheering can bring on laryngitis. It can also be triggered by a nasty cold or flu.
Emily Esabu is an avid singer and when she gets a hoarse voice, which is the primary symptom of laryngitis, she does the following:

Rest her voice. With laryngitis, my vocal cords are irritated and swollen thus need to heal. So I avoid shouting, let alone talking a lot. She adds that straining the voice by singing some more is something she avoids and uses her voice at a volume that is natural.

Tea with honey. Apart from calming her, a cup of tea soothes her throat like no other. However, for better results, she adds honey which reduces the irritation and keeps any oncoming cough at bay.

Aloe vera. Lubricating with aloe vera aids healing from irritation or inflammation, and helps the vocal folds to function better and more efficiently. Half fill a small glass with aloe vera juice, and the other half with apple juice. Keep the mixture in your mouth for a minute or two, then swallow in slow sips. You can also gargle with it. Take the mixture two to three times daily.