With determination, you can achieve anything

“You can have anything you want if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose,” Abraham Lincoln said. And I can tell you he was and still correct to a dot. We all have things we desire to accomplish but if only we keep the singleness of mind that we have when conceiving these ideas, then we would achieve so much.

No one ever tells a baby that they need to walk, but the need to get some things or even to avoid being in one place all the time is motivation enough for them to roll, crawl to strengthen the muscles, hold onto walls until they can finally stand on their own. Staggering and falling will and has never been a deterring factor for them. It is such determination that you need if you are ever going to get anything accomplished.

Listening to advice or seeking it is such a noble thing, it shows that you care to learn. However, learn to make decisions despite what you have been told because not all advice is good for the journey you are taking. If you want something so bad, like the baby in need to walk and reach that drawer then you will let all that criticism slide as you run your lane to the finish line