Things you shouldn’t keep in your bedroom

Using an electronic device before going to bed not only makes it harder to fall asleep, but also impacts on how sleepy and alert you will be the next day. NET photo

What you need to know:

Some items are better left outside our bedrooms for a healthy, harmonious environment.

Your bedroom must be a stress-free place. The essence is to give you the best sleep. Whatever enters your bedroom, can either enhance or distract your sleep.

Electronic devices
Leaving electronic devices such as laptops and phones out of the bedroom is hard but it is a vital practice for protecting your mental and physical health.
According to Sarah Kemigisa, a doctor at Bugolobi Medical Centre, smartphones are a source of artificial light that greatly affect the body’s melatonin production schedule and natural circadian rhythms.
Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioural changes that follow a daily cycle. They respond primarily to light and darkness in an organism’s environment. Sleeping at night and being awake during the day is an example of a light-related circadian rhythm.
She adds that it is also necessary to admit our addictions to these items. “Technology has become our main source of entertainment but also a distraction. When we hear a notification, it is nearly impossible for us not to reach for that phone or tablet to satisfy our impulse,” she says.
She adds that even if you will not completely avoid keeping electronic devices in your bedroom, the least you should do is to stop using them for two hours before bed. Also, do not forget to silence notifications. This way your phone will not light up and wake you before your alarm.

Daniel Kasibante, a veterinary doctor, says pet lovers find it easy to share a bed with their cat or dog, giving them a feeling of safety, love, and companionship. “Pets whether treated or not carry germs, fleas, lice, can mess your bedroom and that irritating noise or scratch can be annoying while you sleep,’’ Kasibante explains. He adds that if you cannot keep your pet away, make sure they are well-groomed and treated and better, give them their own room outside the house.

Tired or poor quality mattress
A number of people take a while to replace their mattresses. Grace Katende, a physiotherapist, says a worn out mattress can lead to health problems including back and chest pain. If you feel your mattress or pillows have lost their spring and are causing discomfort, replace them with a genuine brand.

Low or high temperatures
If you want a good night’s sleep, keep your bedroom temperature moderate. Kemigisa says our bodies decrease temperature to prepare for sleep, and a room that is too warm or too cold can be a big distraction. “Too hot or too cold varies with bodies but that fan or Air Conditioner should be an aid not a deterrent. Use it appropriately,” she adds.

Work desk
Joseph Kato, an interior designer, says when you keep a work desk in your bedroom, chances are you will be tempted to work. It is even worse if your bed is the ‘desk’.
If you must make your home an extension of your workplace, create a separate space for that, not your bedroom.
He adds that you should never use your bedroom as storage space. Your bedroom should be relaxing and peaceful and it will not be if you have a lot of extra stuff and clutter everywhere.

According to if you cannot stretch your legs as you sit on the edge of your bed, that is a sign you need to create more space. What are all those pairs of shoes, and idle baskets and old mattresses doing under your bed? Why keep your unfinished laundry inside your bedroom? And sometimes your bedroom even serves as the dining room and you are too tired to clear the used utensils? Your bedroom needs a breather. For it must be the most stress-free place in your house.