How can I be productive while working from home?

What you need to know:

I am trying to adapt to working from home but experiencing challenges executing my duties because I feel like nobody is seeing my efforts. How can I stay productive and ensure I stand out among peers so that my seniors and employer take note? Polly

I am trying to adapt to working from home but experiencing challenges executing my duties because I feel like nobody is seeing my efforts. How can I stay productive and ensure I stand out among peers so that my seniors and employer take note? Polly

Dear Polly, create a conducive working environment at home whereby there will be minimal interruptions from other members of your family.
Establish a routine so that you don’t compromise on office hours; then ensure you have all resources required for you to deliver. You could subscribe to a reliable internet provider now that you are saving a little on commuting expenses.
Discuss your targets, priorities and deliverables with your supervisor on a weekly basis so that you can focus better and adhere to set deadlines.
Maintain communication with your supervisor and team members and ensure you are responsive on e-mails, messages and WhatsApp.
Treat remote meetings the same way you would face-to-face ones. Ensure your dress code is acceptable. Maintain professionalism.
Word of caution: do not undertake personal errands during working hours. In fact, you should be on standby since you can be called in to the office on short notice.
When the workload demands it, be open to flexible working hours and even during weekends or past official working hours. However, it is important to take time to rest.
Be supportive of all cost-cutting initiatives that your employer might implement, and maintain the same level of energy and enthusiasm. Be positive and encourage your colleagues to also stay productive.
In case you have ideas that might improve the business during this difficult period or rationalise costs, share these with your supervisor.