My boss has no boundaries

Caroline Mboijana

My boss once gave me a lift back home and so she now knows where I live. She keeps dropping in unannounced even on weekends to drop documents that she says she wants me to look at or to tell me about an idea she has for a project. I am not comfortable having her at my house but I can’t tell her to stop because she is the boss! How do I establish boundaries? Harriet.

Hi Harriet,
Don’t let this continue otherwise it will become a habit on your supervisors’ part and she’ll assume it’s okay. My advice is to have a professional and mature discussion with her so she’s aware of the situation. The focus of the discussion should be “saying what you do want and not what you don’t want.” For example instead of saying, “ I’d like you to stop giving me work on the weekend because its causing me to work over the weekend and not have quality time with my family”;

you may want to consider, “ I’d like to continue delivering quality work and in order to do so, I need to be given assignments in a timely manner so that’s finished during the working week, so that I can spend quality time with my family over the weekend”.
If you don’t feel comfortable with that approach you could bring up the topic in a form of seeking advice from her. In giving you the advice and the solution, she’ll be caused to reflect on her own behaviour when it comes to how she manages and works with her team.

If this approach does not work, you may have to be more direct. This can be done by asking whether the work is a priority, when she’d like the work submitted and then also stating that you have family commitments which have been pre-planned.
In this case you can advise when you think the work will be completed. In doing this you are communicating that your family commitments are your priority during the weekend.

Caroline Mboijana
Managing Director
The Leadership Team (U)
[email protected]