My salary has been withheld for months

What you need to know:

It gets funny that the same boss can afford to pay your co-workers and conveniently miss out your name on the payroll because he/she has discovered that you can miraculously survive on the monthly sweetened promises delivered to you

I haven’t received salary for the last four months. The boss says there is no money to pay but that I will be paid all my arrears later. I am aware that my workmates are being paid. Unfortunately, I don’t have a contract so I don’t know how to legally demand my pay. Please help. Steven

Dear Steven,
It’s unfortunate that you are working without pay, only living on hope from the boss’s promises of future salary arrears, well knowing that your bills don’t have the same patience. I believe that your landlord, unless he the charitable type, will find it impossible to accept the same empty promises your boss is feeding you, neither do the schools, even UPE has hidden costs, if you have school-going children.
It gets funny that the same boss can afford to pay your co-workers and conveniently miss out your name on the payroll because he/she has discovered that you can miraculously survive on the monthly sweetened promises delivered to you.
I hope you wake up before you find yourself with no roof over your head and your children seated at home having been chased from school, to realise that your boss had successfully taken you to the cleaners and, withdraw the labour you are freely giving.
Fortunately, anytime you make the choice, you will find that the law is on your side. The Employment Act of 2006 Chapter 25 clearly stipulates that both oral and written employment contracts have the same impact before the law.
You will realise that you can actually force your boss to pay up all the money due to you plus damages as determined by court. All you have to do is to pay a visit to the Labour Officer in your district and the rest as they say, will be history.