Jesus is victorious over sin virus and coronavirus

Repent. With coronavirus ravaging mankind, many have changed the way they are living their lives while others are now closer than ever before to God. But are they willing to rid themselves of the original virus of sin?

How coronavirus moved from its animal hosts to humans can be immaterial for the ordinary man. Its impact and effect on humanity, is however, something that should concern us all, as we are likely to see a change in attitudes, life-styles, the economy and societal order.

For now, however, we shall endeavour to observe government’s regulations geared towards curbing its spread by social distancing. We shall also seek medical solutions where necessary, while earnestly praying for divine intervention.

In seeking divine intervention, let’s reflect on another great virus, called the original sin! Satan originally infected humans with this virus after his rebellion against God as stated in Genesis chapter 3. This message is also emphasised in Romans.

“Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned”.” (Romans 5:12). By rebelling against God, we spread the sin virus further.

In the bible Jesus shows us that the sin virus is more dangerous than any other disease that might afflict the human body through the miracles he performed. “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you,” Jesus tells the formerly blind man in John 5:12.

Disease eats away at the organs, but sin deteriorates the very essence of man. Sin destroys our lives and causes emotional, financial, physical, spiritual, and psychological harm.

Jesus was never satisfied with just healing a physical body; He was always also attentive to the spiritual, which is of greater importance. He told us not to fear what can harm the body but cannot harm the soul; rather, fear what can consume the body and the soul in Hell (Matthew 10:28).

Shouldn’t we, therefore, be more careful, individually and collectively, about contracting “the sin virus?” Shouldn’t we immediately repent as soon we contract?

Because God created us for Himself, He does not care so much about our sin as about us; which is why He wants to help us not sin. We stop sinning not by trying to stop sinning, but by following Jesus, listening to His instructions and receiving Him in Holy Communion (John 6:53).

We must invite Jesus to intervene during occasions of temptation and to deliver us when we contract the sin virus (Matthew 6:13).

The sin virus mostly comes from a failure to be honest with ourselves and with God about our own weaknesses and mistakes. But it loses all its power when we realize that our sins will not cause God to hate us.

However, while we cannot become sinless, by focusing on the love of God, we can learn to sin less. Genuine confession is, ultimately, an important step in overcoming sin virus. The reason why some sinners are not saved is their own obstinacy (Luke 13:3).

Coronavirus is a wake up call to Ugandans as the sin virus, in form of corruption, has already spread its cancerous effects to all facets of our lives.

It painfully manifests itself in the prevailing high levels of sexual immorality, murder, human trafficking, insecurity, poverty, unemployment, poor social services delivery, failing infrastructure, and erosion of political, cultural and religious institutions.

The crusade against corruption calls for a nurturing of a high sense of patriotism and faith.

We must improve on central and local governance by entrenching transparency and accountability; by reinforcing security, reforming the public service, from top to bottom levels. This, primarily, calls for public sensitization and education on the prevalence and dangers of corruption in our society, and how to participate in its combating.

The events of Holy Week, climaxing into Easter, vividly reveal that it is due to sin virus that Jesus, the sinless “Lamb of God”, comes into our sinfulness, not to participate in it, but to rescue us from it and its lethal effects (see John 1:14 and Matthew 1:21). Jesus’ resurrection must be celebrated as our anticipated victory over sin virus and coronavirus.

Sin virus
Jesus Christ understood the most deadly virus known to humanity is sin. He knew the sin virus was a killer. Like all viruses it takes up residence and eats away its host. For the virus to survive its host must die.

Thankfully in a war against such a virus you won’t find Jesus Christ rushing for the toilet paper. You won’t find Him in a toilet paper brawl in Bass Hill or in a Coles or Woolworths near you.

But you will find him nailed to a cross, suffering on your behalf, offering a cure for the sin virus that has been destroying us from our beginnings.