The plight of woman

In our world today, there are still women who are being harassed on daily basis in their places of work, called offensive words while walking in the streets, raped in broad daylight and held responsible for it, because they “may” have provoked the rapist! There are still women out there who are forced to wear a head scarf and a certain dress code, even if it is not part of their religion or culture, failing to do so, they are arrested, mistreated and threatened to comply.

The plight of women
There are still girls who are married off at a tender age, or better said, sold off to the highest bidder, often to a man old enough to be her father.

There are still young women who are killed on daily basis in what is known as crimes of honour, because she talked with the wrong man, met a man she was not supposed to meet, any such excuse will allow her blood to flow, the murderer is often not punished because the hideous crime was committed in the name of honour!

There are still women out there who are trapped in human traffickers’ webs, turned into prostitutes and criminals, drug addicts and threatened that if they do not cooperate, their families will be hurt. There are women who are abducted during wars, and made ‘wives’ of the enemy, when they return home, their children are taken away from them, no child of an enemy’s blood line is allowed back, what about the mother’s heart, what happens to her senses when you take her child from her?

Harsh world
It is a tough world out there, for both men and women, but the crimes against women exceed the limits of tolerance, sadly, we seem to see them pass by, until the next one makes headlines, and the next. Environmental issues seem to get more attention than human ones, and we are not making much progress in either!

Someone might remind me that we do have an international day for women, yes we do. I applaud the UN for giving half of humanity a day on their calendar and I think we can continue having that once in a year parade and speeches.
Let us pretend it is all well during the other 364 days of the year. I have been reading recent report about every act mentioned above, I cannot pretend, neither should you!