University students start benefiting from soft laptop loans

Officials from Nkumba University and Opportunity Bank at the launch of partnership. Photo by Gabriel Buule

KAMPALA. For many university students, a laptop is a basic necessity. But again, not every student can afford to buy a laptop. However, with the introduction of new laptop loans, this could be achieved.
Opportunity Bank has partnered with American-based Endless Operating Software to avail ASUS and Lenovo computers to university students through an asset financing programme where a student pays in instalments for the entire duration of the course.

The programme was rolled out at Nkumba University last week. The computers, valued at Shs1.5m each, are also embedded with all resource centres, in correspondence with a particular student’s course. For example, if the student is studying law, everything that they need will be accessed on the laptop, even without internet.

“We know that currently, the world is driven by ICT, so laptops and internet are inseparable at university. So we are making sure that students get a simplified full package where they don’t have to move all over the place looking for internet and hotspot connection. With this technology a student just switches on the laptop and everything they need is there in their faces,” revealed Tineyi Mawocha, the Opportunity Bank CEO.

To qualify for the laptop, a student needs a university admission letter plus current Identity card, their parent’s consent letter, two passport photos plus a running account with Opportunity Bank.
“We have started with Nkumba because we have a resource centre at the university but soon we are spreading our wings to other universities,” added Mawocha.