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Police officers trained in human rights observations

Mr Edward Mugweri


Following continued claims of increased indiscipline and professional misconduct within the police force, a new effort has been launched to improve the force’s image and to provide more service to the citizens.

The police organised a regional workshop for police officers in Masaka at which they were reminded of their aspirations as per their earlier training before they were passed out to serve.

The refresher course included human rights observation, the law, and the police code of conduct, honesty, and friendliness as they go about their work. Assistant Commissioner of Police Christine Nanding who was one of the instructors at the workshop in Masaka last Friday, said the regional workshops would be held all over the country. Some of the police officers who could not leave their work stations to attend the workshop were met at their work places.

Ms Nanding noted that police trainings have for long focused on the traditional elements of recruit training, such as the law and aspects of contemporary policing, but many of the officers had started derailing from the proper principles they were oriented to. The ongoing refresher courses include more aspects of training.

Mr Edward Mugweri, the Southern Regional Deputy Police Commander said the force intends to improve interpersonal relationship which had started deteriorating among the officers. Mugweri disclosed that some police personnel had gone to the extent of disobeying orders of their seniors while others even abscond from duty without permission.