It is now the turn and right of the youth to take charge of Uganda’s public affairs

Prof George W. Kanyeihamba

What you need to know:

  • Way forward. This is why it is recommended that from now on and certainly in the next national and local elections, Uganda’s priority for survival and genuine development should be to stand for, nominate, elect and appoint the youth in all major positions of power and responsibility in this country.

Chapter 5 of The Uganda Constitution, which is entitled “Representation of the People commences with Art. 59 …. the Right to Vote
(1) Every citizen of Uganda of eighteen years of age and above has a right to vote.
(2) It is the duty of every citizen of Uganda of eighteen years of age and above to register as a voter for public elections and referenda.
(3) The state shall take all necessary steps to ensure that all citizens qualified to vote register and exercise their right to vote.
It is at the same age of eighteen that enables any Ugandan citizen to offer and be nominated to be a candidate and member of Parliament which under Article 79 of the same Constitution has the power to make laws for the peace, order, development and good governance of Uganda.
In Clause 2 of the same Article, it is provided that:

Except as provided in this Constitution, no person or body other than Parliament shall have power to make provisions having the force of law in Uganda except under, authority conferred by an Act of Parliament.
Demographic data shows that the population of Uganda is overwhelmingly of young people below 50 years old and in the context of this Article included three people qualified to hold public office.
The main reason why the makers of the “1995 Constitution” fixed term and Age limits, and tenures of office is because they intended that power and responsibility of managing Uganda public affairs should change periodically from generation to generation.

We contend therefore, that it is the birth right of every member of the current youth group to wish, aspire and offer themselves to participate in managing the affairs of their country.
Recalling Afro history that that is how the fighters and liberators of Africa and the members of their respective generations fought and obtained independence for our continent.
The same way that the Nkrumahs, the Kenyattas, the Nyereres and the Nassers and the Mandelas gained independence for their respective countries.
Likewise, the Musevenis, Magezis, the Kagames and the Gowans of Africa.
We of the same generation as President Museveni did our bit for Uganda since the 1980s.

Museveni, Ruhakana Rugunda, Moses Ali, Kivejinja and many of us today should have been replaced by the previous generations, years ago.
The are some ministers and the senior public officials today who are much older than me and other members of our generation but are still holding public offices, in some instances, of very sensitive nature or requiring full time thinking under performance.
This cannot be right or beneficial to a vibrant and developing country like Uganda.

This is why it is recommended that from now on and certainly in the next national and local elections, Uganda’s priority for survival and genuine development should be to stand for, nominate, elect and appoint the youth in all major positions of power and responsibility in this country.
We, the old generation must be systematically and deliberately be replaced humanely and decisively.
The Kyagulanyis, the Zaakes, the Karuhangas and young MPs of the current Parliament stop fighting the old guard now and plan cleverly for your generation and the next governing establishment.