When a woman stops nagging you, be very afraid

A wife who cares will push you to your best, will worry about you and will go the extra mile to make sure that you are happy. Shutter Photo

She might be your morning voice asking you to wake up and go to work, she just seems to be in your ear everyday about quite a lot. You might call it nagging but in a wife’s dictionary, it’s called caring.

People keep saying that behind every successful man is a strong woman. Well, strong women don’t keep quiet; they push you into achieving your dreams. They are just like talent managers; they push actors and musicians to produce the very best, which is marketable to the world not mediocre work that goes unnoticed.

If your wife complains that you spend so much time with your friends at the bar instead of using your time productively, you frown and complain but she knows that the more time you spend in bars, the more money you spend and the temptations get more real. Which temptations might either tear your marriage apart or even cause scandals for you.
I wonder why men think that ordering the wife to be home early sounds any different if it is purposed towards him. A wife who cares will push you to your best, will worry about you and will go the extra mile to make sure that you are happy.

But when that nagging wife of yours is suddenly not bothered about where you are or whom you are hanging out with, that’s a sign that she has given up on you.

She has stopped caring and nothing you do is worth her time. And when some wives get to this point, they have had enough and they are ready to walk away.

She might stay in your house but only as a roommate. If you sideline your wife and tell her to keep to the kitchen, well, don’t come lamenting when she turns that kitchen into a restaurant but without your name anywhere.

Some men need a wakeup call, others just have to realise that the most important people in your life is first family then friends, if you give your friends priority over your family, one day you are bound to wake up empty and cold in that bed.

And that’s when you will realise that friends have a limit, they can buy you beer and get you girls but they won’t feel the emptiness of a man without a family.