Exploring the world as a couple

Prioritise travel in your relationships, let it be something you do together to reconnect. PHOTO/www.pinterest.com

What you need to know:

According to a survey from the US Travel Association, couples who travel together are significantly more satisfied with their relationship than couples who do not

If you have not travelled together as a couple, do it as soon as possible. I cannot reiterate how important this is for your relationship, albeit the result can be either positive or negative but away from all your daily responsibilities and distractions and from your normal routines is where you truly find yourselves as a unit.

According to a survey from the US Travel Association, couples who travel together are significantly more satisfied with their relationship than couples who do not. Of the 1,000 couples that took part in this survey, almost two thirds (63 per cent) of the respondents claimed that travelling has helped them stay together. And to an extent this is true. When you travel together, there are sudden and exciting elements that fuel and fire your relationship.

Planning a trip/getaway creates a common goal for a couple. You share a common goal and purpose to travel and see the world together. The anticipation and yearning of unraveling destinations, committing themselves to an endless adventure somehow bonds couples and gives them a reason to always want to be together.

Going away on a trip strips you of all the distractions of work and things that might otherwise take away from time spent together. Things that might take your attention away from really learning and understanding your partner. Being away in a new environment with nothing but time on your hands opens up the lines of communication. These are the moments where you either discover you made the right choice in a partner or you do not know them at all.

I love to travel, it is something that is important to me and I plan to keep it that way. I do not have room in my life for a partner that does not value the necessity and importance of exploring the world and different cultures.

Since you are together most of the time on a trip, there is very little space to keep ugly secrets. There are no facades and you have to appreciate your partner the way they are. Travelling reveals a bunch of ugly truths for there is little or nothing to hide.

According to another survey, couples who travel together tend to also enjoy a better sexual relationship than those who do not. There is enough room in your daily schedule to spark romance and affection as work and stress are cut in half. So, maybe this is something that can give your sex life the boost it has been missing.

You create or strengthen a friendship with your partner when you travel, you relearn all the traits about each other that you fell for in the first place.

In our society, we have been made to believe travel is impossible for us. That you have to come from a certain background or level of wealth to enjoy it. While financial stability helps, it is not totally impossible.

If you both work, strategically set aside funds towards travel. Not everywhere is as expensive as portrayed in the media and through conversation from people you have met. There are cheaper destinations you could tackle and when you save, there is a good time waiting for you in a fabulous city somewhere.

Explore options locally, travel out of town for a weekend and explore parts of the country you would never have given thought to. There are options for where to stay and apps with affordable accommodation options.

Prioritise travel in your relationships, let it be something you do together to reconnect, get to know each other a fresh.