Lighten your spirits always

As I write this, I have just returned from the sitting room after dancing to a song that was playing on radio. My wife recorded me dancing but it’s exclusive for my family’s viewing, ok? Why the episode? 

Well, I was not feeling at my best which is not a great state to be in before writing. 

So, I had to find a way to lift up my spirits. I felt that music would be a great place to start. 

Now, here I am writing this to you with a smile on my face and I am sure you can feel my energy.

Now, why am I writing this to you? The fact is, I know that sometimes you are not feeling at your best and yet the state you are in will affect your output. Therefore, I recommend that you find ways and means to lighten your spirits up in case the right vibes are not going your way. My favourite option is taking a walk outside. It always works. 

I come back with renewed energies and usually with even better ideas. That’s something I highly recommend that you consider.

Now, it’s your turn to think of the different things or experiences you can engage in to lighten up your spirits. This is very important because when you are in great spirits, chances of you producing great work are very high. So, what will it be?

Dancing? No need to send me the video by the way. Walking? Running? Painting? Singing? Napping?

Choose what works for you. You just have to pay attention to how you are feeling after the engagement and that should be your guide. For examplewalking can offer numerous health benefits to people of all ages and fitness levels. It may also help prevent certain diseases and even prolong your life.

Ethan Musolini is the CEO of Success Africa, motivational speaker, HR consultant and success coach. 
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