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Choosing the best types of major farming tools

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Gardening tools help us to carry out our work easily and also saves time and energy. The basic gardening task starts with digging the soil, getting ready for plantation, watering, harvesting, moving debris and making compost, etc.

Purchase good quality gardening tools because they support longer, and they don’t bend or break. Choose the best gardening tools that suit you for handling and makes you feel comfortable.

When it comes to cultivating a space in your yard, having the essential tools ready in the shed or garage will not only come to your advantage, but it will also be of great benefit to your garden

Garden hand trowel
One of the best gardening tools you shouldn’t forget to add in your collection is a hand trowel. This device is a must-have, especially for beginners and urban gardeners.

Ideal for transferring dirt into pots and planting seedlings, it will be more accessible if you dig soil or transport plants from your vegetable garden using a hand trowel.

You can use a trowel for digging out areas for plants and flowers as well as refilling the holes when you are finished. They’re also ideal for digging out any weeds that have encroached on your garden.

Also known as a pruning shears,pruners or clippers, garden secateurs is a very useful hand tool around the garden. You will need it for trimming and shaping plants and shrubs and for removing dead growth.

High-quality secateurs will last a very long time, stay sharper for longer, be able to take thicker branches, and be more comfortable to use, so it is worth investing in a good one.

Secateurs which look similar to scissors are used to remove dried and damaged leaves. Pruning helps in preventing wastage of nutrients and improves plant growth.

Pruner can replace the saw in container gardening.

Watering can

You will need some device or container for watering your plants. If you have just a few plants in pots, then a pitcher or usual water bottle might be sufficient when you are just starting a garden. Water can is a handy thing to have because it can be used not only for watering but also for deck or patio cleaning– to rinse off the pollen, dirt, or debris.

Watering your plants and the entire garden is a must.For some urban gardeners, a watering can do the trick. But if you have a yard, it will be best to water your plants with a garden hose.

Garden gloves
Some people love the feel of the dirt in their hands – it just kind of makes you
feel alive.

Even those who don’t mind getting our hands dirty still need a good pair of gardening gloves.

Digging in the dirt with a hand shovel may not seem like the hardest chore but after a few hours of it, your hands will start to feel it. If you want to avoid unwanted blisters a pair of gardening gloves is something you should seriously consider.

This underrated gardening tool may not be the first thing that will come to your mind, but garden gloves are essential as they protect your hands against dirt and injury.

Pruning saw
These saws are great for cutting through larger shrub branches. They do a great job of cutting through green wood if they have a straight blade, while you will want to use a curved blade to cut through larger branches.

Make sure you get one with a curved handle, as this will make the tool much easier to use.

If you want to make sure that your grass is always level and neat but have space in your yard where you can’t use a lawnmower or weed eater, then you will need grass shears.

Garden hoe
A hoe is another gardening tool used for weeding. A sharp blade works better and is easier to use.

Always keep the blade sharp and hoe the weeds in the evenings because this prevents the weeds from

You will find it highly useful when preparing beds for planting and weeding. They allow you to quickly dig a shallow trench in the soil that’s ideal for planting seeds just below the surface.

A garden hoe is used for, weeding without the need to bend, digging and breaking soil, scraping and clearing the soil, as a guide for row making, hilling plants (like potatoes) and harvesting root vegetables.

There are two types of forks. They are digging fork and compost fork. Digging fork is used for breaking the firm surface of soil, harvesting root crops, and breaking clumps in soil. If you are planning to dig into rocky or extremely compacted soil, a digging fork is your best bet.

Not only this gardening tool can lessen the strain on your body and reduce the back-breaking work, but it also can loosen up the soil easily. Compost fork is used for moving composts, mulches, manure, straw, and other organic manure in your garden.

This is one of the best types of gardening tools for everyone who works with

A rake will allow you to remove stones, rocks, and clogs from the ground beforeplanting. It helps in clearing the dried leaves and leveling the ground by re-moving the pebbles.

Materials like plastic, wood and metalals are used in making supporting handles. Use long handle rakes for lawn and smaller handle rakes for container gardening. Leaf rakes are one of the most commonly used garden equipment as it can serve various purposes.

This is one of the best types of gardening tools every gardener must-have. A wheelbarrow greatly eases the burden of moving awkward and heavy gardening materials around your garden.
You can use it to move dirt, compost, and even stacks of leaves smoothly across your property.

When you’re digging out new gardens or taking care of a weed infestation you’re bound to have a lot of waste material.

All of that has to go somewhere and even if you have a backyard compost heap you still have to get it there.

Garden knife
Ideal for cutting and trimming strings and fruits and vegetable plants, a garden knife makes a convenient tool for beginners.

Garden knife is used for transplanting, grafting, opening fertiliser bags, cutting strings, harvesting, pruning and dividing branches.

Garden tool care
For a serious gardener, high-quality garden tools are a smart investment.

Cleaning your tools after each use is the best way to protect your investment. A stiff bristle brush will clean shovels, spades, forks, and hoes.

To clean off caked-on soil, a stiff putty knife will help. Never put your tools away wet. After using the tools, always store in a dry.

The blades of cutting tools should be sharpened at least once a year. You can sharpen the blades yourself by running a carborundum stone or file along the beveled side of the blade.

After using and cleaning the tools, be sure to oil all cutting blades.