Importance of farm inspection

Mr Michael Ssali 

Keeping the farm productive and well maintained requires regular inspection by the farmer. “The sole of the farmer’s boot is the best manure,” goes the old English saying. 
It is a saying that all farmers should keep in mind. Farming normally involves physical exercise and if it is not actual work on the farm it should be in form of a simple walk around the farm, taking a look at the crops or the animals and assessing their progress.  

Regular walking around the farm is itself as good as manure for the crops because it is the opportunity for the farmer to make decisions intended to rectify whatever  could have gone wrong. 

Without inspection such problems go on unnoticed and cause big losses to the farmer.  
It is the time to discover a diseased plant or a limping animal. It could be the invasion of pests or a dangerous crop disease. 
The farmer doing inspection must be on the lookout for any abnormalities so that remedial action is taken in real time. 
It could be making an urgent phone call to the vet doctor in case of livestock issues or to the police in case theft is discovered.

It is possible that the abnormality observed turns out to be overgrown weeds that require immediate removal. It could be a strange and problematic type of weed that is gaining entrance into the farm. 
The farmer must really be interested in his crops and livestock, and consider them to be his or her friends. The farm should be the place to go to for solace, meditation, and being alone with nature. 
It is the time to think and plan future activities on the farm. By regular inspection you get a better assessment of the maturity of your crops and animals.
You get to know which animal is on heat and you arrange in good time when it should be served. 
If the crops are withering due to lack of water the farmer gets know about the problem and may arrange to carry out irrigation if possible. 
Through farm inspection it is easy for the farmer to estimate the expected yield basing on the appearance of the crop or livestock when still in the garden.  It is also during farm inspection that the farmer gets the best time to plan future farm activities.

Mr Michael Ssali is a veteran journalist, 
[email protected]