Plants, animals, birds, insects and human beings live together in this world as nature’s creatures and they interrelate in such a way that life is what it is --- full of ups and downs. The study of their relationship is described as ecology.
Some animals are unfriendly and even dangerous to mankind, while others are docile and even friendly. This is also the case with insects. Many of them are useful and play important roles such as facilitating pollination and plant propagation.
The trees are needed for timber, clothing and fruits, while other plants are the source of clothing materials and foodstuffs. Some plants are medicinal, while others are just beautiful and are grown for decorative purposes.
Mankind carries out the management of animals, insects, and plants for his own benefit and this is what we know as farming. He has studied the natural environment and made observations about what they feed on and how they live before domesticating them and turning them into his food and source of manure. The crops that farmers grow and the animals and birds that they keep were long ago part of the natural environment. It is still the habitat for many creatures.
After selecting the plants and animals that he needed from the wild, mankind realised that for him to get maximum benefits the plants and animals require nutrients, water, and light.
The farmer must therefore ensure that the farmed plants and animals have a good source of water and nutrients. Plant nutrients are mostly found in the soil and soil replenishment usually involves application of animal or bird droppings into the soil.
No plants can grow well without sufficient and well distributed rainfall. Animals eat grass and since the grass and other plants depend on rainfall all farmers take interest in the amount of rain they get in their respective farming areas. If the bush has green and vigorous plants, it is often an indication that farmed crops will do well there.
Many agricultural services extension officers and other stakeholders have warned farmers about the danger of destroying wetlands which act as natural water filters.
Before settling in an area to carry out farming it is important to inquire about its rainfall distribution and reliability. Some farmers have domesticated some insects such as bees which also need water and flowers to produce honey.