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Can healthy parents have a child with sickle cell disease?

What you need to know:

  • It is crucial to have an effective family planning method to avoid unintended pregnancy, especially if you may have another child with sickle cell anaemia.

I have a son with sickle cell disease, but neither my wife nor I have the condition. I do not know what to do if she has another child with sickle cell disease. Is the boy mine or not? Pietro

Dear Pietro,

Sickle cell anaemia occurs when red blood cells change shape under low oxygen conditions, transforming into a sickle shape that can block blood flow. This blockage can result in pain in the affected areas. Additionally, the abnormal red blood cells break down more quickly, leading to anaemia, which is why it is called sickle cell anaemia.

Many individuals have one normal gene and one sickle cell gene, which makes them carriers. These carriers usually lead normal lives and do not experience symptoms, except under extreme conditions such as high altitude or severe dehydration. However, carriers can have children who inherit sickle cell disease and may exhibit symptoms.

Therefore, unless you conduct DNA paternity tests that confirm the child is not yours, the fact that you do not have symptoms of sickle cell anaemia does not necessarily mean the child with the condition is not yours.

In the meantime, it is crucial to have an effective family planning method to avoid unintended pregnancy, especially if you may have another child with sickle cell anaemia.