From the horse’s mouth: Fitness experts on why you should exercise

Make sure the rope is of appropriate size and weight, because otherwise it may not serve the purpose. PHOTO | COURTESY

What you need to know:

  • There is no better way to learn the benefits of working than from the experts. They tell us why we should exercise daily and eat a balanced diet.

For some, working out is daunting since some think losing weight or getting a toned body is beyond reach. On the other hand, some have never made it past two weeks in the grind and wonder if exercising can get any easier. Whichever spectrum you fall in, these fitness trainers are here to offer some inspiration and motivation on why you should exercise. 

Name: Brian Kasasa 

Career: Sports coach, P.E teacher 

Boosts your energy levels 

One of the reasons one should work out is keep their energy levels high.
“My body feels sluggish when I am inactive so I keep in the zone to feel ‘nice’. Therefore, to fight off lethargy, start exercising. Exercising also helps you keep in good health condition (what is referred to as being fit). This also comes with other benefits such as keeping certain diseases, especially those that come with obesity or living a sedentary lifestyle at bay. 

Name: Josiah Bugeza

Career: Fitness coach 

Good physique

Combining healthy eating habits with an ongoing exercise programme are what helped me overcome the bullying I suffered as a child. This stemmed from being skinny and weak in the midst of a sporting environment.
You may not suffer bullying but desire to attain a good physique. Creating an exercise plan with your trainer will allow you train different muscle groups on different workout days. This way, there is a reason to go to the gym every day. As you work at this, having an exercise partner will motivate and challenge you to work with lots of dedication and self-discipline. However, you also need to eat reasonably thus selecting foods that help boost your energy levels as well as aid quick body recover.
In all this, your energy levels will be boosted, you will maintain a healthy weight, reduce stress levels and improve your overall appearance.

Name: Walter Ocheng 

Career: Fitness and gym instructor (aerobics, spinning (cycling), aqua fitness and cardio workout and strength training). Also runs community-based fitness classes, family sessions, boot camps, individual or personal-based training programmes.

Advice to others 

The best way to keep fit is to make exercising a part of my daily life (lifestyle).
For example, I work out before starting any other activity. That is because it helps me focus on my health. It is also great to team up with others that have a similar goal as that will keep you motivated. Additionally, break your goals into small portions and keep moving step by step. That makes it fun and interesting because you have something to look forward to.

Name: Sylvia Kabatooro 

Career: Healthy lifestyle coach

Weight management

When you exercise, it becomes easier to manage your weight since excess calories are burnt.
“My go-to workouts include rope jumping, walking (for 20-30 minutes) and sit-ups (20) on a daily basis and this helps me maintain a weight of 70kgs,” she shares.
Exercising will also improve your fitness since as you work out, the body moves in various angles which promotes agility.
“That said, physical exercise does not have to be intense or difficult for it to produce results. The secret is consistency,” she says.

Name: Caroline Angella Akiteng 

Career: Zumba Instructor 

Work out every day 

While it is never easy, one has to make a decision to exercise daily. I had to commit and dedicate particular hours and days of the week to working out. For example, I do Zumba on Tuesday and Thursday and I jog on Saturdays and Sundays for at least eight kilometres. That said, it takes discipline to be able to maintain a good workout routine and I would encourage everyone to choose a time or day that best works for them.