Here is why you should walk more

Walking is low impact, requires minimal equipment, can be done at any time of day and can be performed at your own pace

What you need to know:

  • Walking is low impact, requires minimal equipment, can be done at any time of day and can be performed at your own pace. You can also get out and walk without worrying about the risks associated with some more vigorous forms of exercise.

While you may promise yourself to become more conscious about your health and fitness, it takes being intentional to achieve your goals. 
For example, it takes intention to let go of all the scrumptious junk for real meals. Likewise, it will take a lot of self-control to choose to walk more in a day than you sit. While it is not the all-in-all in as far as exercising is concerned, it is a step towards a healthier life and if you choose to take more steps every day, it means intentionally interrupting your sitting time to exercise your muscles in one way or another.

Stronger lungs
When you sit, the body does not need lots of oxygen compared to when you are on the move. As such, Elvis Kyaterekera, a fitness instructor, says your lungs will not be as active. “However, when you increase the number of times you move in a day, your lungs will get stronger as they work more. As the amount of oxygen and rate at which you take it in increases, so does your body’s ability to use it,” he says.

Improved heart health
As the lungs work more, so does the heart as it sends more oxygenated blood to your muscles. Dr Barbara Kakande, a cardiologist, says when we do not use our heart, it starts to behave as that of an old person because most live a less active life. “That makes you prone to heart failure and other related diseases,” she says.

Improves concentration
With physical activity comes the release of endorphins (feel-good hormones), and increase in the amount of blood going to the brain. “This translates to less stress and anxiety owing to the hormones and better cognitive function,” Kyaterekera shares.

Building muscles
Muscles are like our brain, only getting stronger and more productive when exercised. If you were to sit all day, your muscles would shrink. “However, when exercised, they grow and get stronger by the day. Therefore, rather than sit only to get a muscle tear when you run out of necessity, start walking more to build your muscles,” Anne Kiisa, a fitness trainer, shares.

Regulated blood sugar levels
We are advised to become more active because when one is not, the body stores up unused carbohydrates in form of glucose, which in excess leads to non-communicable diseases such as diabetes.
Strengthens your bones
Kyaterekera says bones of a child cannot be compared to those of an adult owing to the difference in weight yet with increased activity, they are expected to get stronger. “In like manner, when one walks more, they are allowing their bones to increase in density, which in turn protects them from suffering osteoporosis as they age,” he says.

Low blood pressure 
Engaging in more physical activity allows your heart to pump more blood, hence becoming stronger. When your heart does not feel burdened when pumping blood, Kyaterekera says your blood vessels and arteries experience less force, which translates in reduced blood pressure.