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Is it safe to take daily supplements at 65?

At 65 years of age, my body is weak all the time the reason I have been taking daily supplements. I must say they have helped me a lot. Should I continue taking them for life? AE

Dear AE, At 65, many women experience some weakness, especially as they go through menopause. While supplements can sometimes be helpful, focusing on a balanced lifestyle might be even more beneficial. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and stress management are important and may provide more long-term benefits than relying on supplements every day.

 Supplements can be a great way to fill in nutritional gaps, but if you are already eating a well-rounded diet, you might not need to take them long-term. Many people take supplements without first checking with a doctor to see if they are necessary, and they can be more expensive than food.

I recommend visiting your doctor for a general check-up to rule out any underlying health conditions. If there are other health issues at play, your doctor can guide you on the best approach for managing them.