Why are we more intelligent than our children born normally?

What you need to know:

Genetics are very important in determining one’s intelligence

Doctor,  three of us  in our family were born ‘facing behind’  what in our language called ‘kabunu’. Somehow, we are all more intelligent than our children born head first. What could be correlation between intelligence and how children are born? ASIIMWE GORDON

Genetics are very important in determining one’s intelligence. Since the intelligence genes are carried on the X chromosome, it means that mothers largely determine how clever a child is likely to be because mothers give their children (boys or girls) the X chromosome
Even in the girls where men contribute the X chromosome, the chromosome is mostly silent when it comes to inheriting intelligence. 
This in essence would mean that you are intelligent because your mother was intelligent and your children are not intelligent because your wives are not that intelligent.

That said however, intelligence does not only depend on genetics but also environment (a child’s home environment and parenting, education and availability of learning resources, and nutrition, among others). It could be that your children live in a comfort zone hence blinding their creative thinking leading to what you see as not being intelligent. Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

Being born ‘kabunu’ means the fetus presents buttocks or feet first (breech delivery) instead of the head first as is usually the norm that carries less health and other risks to the baby and/or mother. Though breech delivery can occur by accident, three consecutive breech deliveries might mean that there may have been a cause.  The cause could be from the mother, (having delivered many children, problems of the structure inside the womb like fibroids) or it may have been the baby’s problem, say being born prematurely among others. Being born breech has not been known to increase a baby’s intelligence.